purple crape myrtle varietiespurple crape myrtle varieties
Crape myrtle shrubs flower in summer, turning the large bushes into colorful floral displays that attract birds and pollinators. For the Dallas Redin the back ground it appears two or three crapes were planted together. The Crape Myrtle Muskogee produces an impressive mature tree specimen. Noteworthy Characteristics. The foliage of dark green leaves turns orange and red in the fall before dropping revealing the unique, smooth bark. Wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera) trees and shrubs, native to South Carolina, grow best in hardiness zones 7b through 11. Arapaho myrtle offers year-round interest with its glossy, dark green leaves, beautiful exfoliating bark, and panicles of near true red flowers. While the industry-standard terminology is to call the sizes "Gallon Containers", that doesn't exactly translate to the traditional liquid "gallon" size we think of. *Please note - most dwarf varieties do not do well in our area without pampering. Catawba has globular elongated pannicles. Newer varieties that grow less than 15 tall: These varieties make great screening shrubs, large hedges, or multi-stem focal point. All images are for reference only and may not represent the sizes of plants shipped. 3-Gallons White Flowering Natchez Crape Myrtle In Pot (With Soil) Model # CRA-NAT-23-3. Place the cuttings approximately 6 inches apart. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Read About Lady Bugs a Natural Pest Control and Crape Myrtles are as small as 3' - 4' shrubs and as large as 15'- 20' + trees, so read (and heed) your plant descriptions carefully. Below is a hacked Muskogee Crape Myrtle. The bright blooms of the Black Diamond reach their productivity peak during the summer and fall months. We are frequently asked to recommend the best-performing varieties according to size and color. It grows no more than two four feet tall and three feet across and it can be grown for years as a container plant, making it an ideal choice for terraces and balconies even if you have no garden at all. The purple magic crape myrtle has a fast growth rate, with newly planted cuttings or divisions establishing in weeks. The crape myrtle is native to southeast Asia, China, and Japan. Profuse bloomer with large panicles. Twilight purple crape myrtle reaches over 40 feet tall. Large panicles on weeping branches similar to the branch structure of the Natchez White Crape Myrtle. Velma is the deeper purple by about two shades. All of our orders ship via FedEx Ground! Once established, crape myrtle can tolerate drought, but it requires generous amounts of water at the time of planting. Zuni purple crape myrtle grows twelve to fifteen feet tall. Flowers are produced continuously from mid-June to mid-October, in bunches that are almost 4 inches long and 3 inches across. Bloom time varies, depending on the variety. As they grow, crape myrtlescan be trained into a clump of trees or keep a shrub like form. The Purely Purple Black Diamond Crape Myrtle has its origins in the work of Dr. Cecil Pounder, a Research Geneticist with the Agricultural Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture. You can enjoy the blooms all summer long. The variety 18LI was selected by James Berry for its fabulous combination of flower and foliage color, its compact habit, and its resistance to common crape myrtle diseases. Find My Store. Thislagerstroemiaproduces soft lavender to violet purpleblooms. This Crape Myrtle variety is a perfect choice if you want a colorful, small tree for yard borders or hedging. Depending on the cultivar, crape myrtles range in size from 18-inch shrubs to treelike forms growing up to 40 feet tall and 15 to 25 feet wide. The Purely Purple Crape Myrtleflowers on new wood, so pruning will not affect the next seasons flowers. However, the growing media should be well-draining and remain relatively moist for healthy plant growth. With pompoms of profusely purple blooms and a neat and tidy size, the First Editions Purple Magic Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia 'Purple Magic' PP 23,906) is the perfect addition to achieve some southern charm in your yard. in 1977, and for the last 20 years we have specialized in online sales of our Beautiful Crape Myrtles. Blooming from midsummer to early fall in an explosion of red flowers smothering the foliage, it creates a remarkable display in the landscape. It makes a striking specimen plant or flowering hedge. Highly resistant to leaf spot, powdery mildew and Cercospora, this crape myrtle makes a great specimen plant or flowering hedge, thanks to the beauty of its dark foliage and fiery flowers. Growing Zones: 6-9. The bark on many Crape myrtles peels in puzzle patterns to reveal smooth cinnamon or tan colors that glow during winter, especially when glistening in Portland rain. It is even resistant to salt-spray, so it will grow close to the sea too, making it ideal for the cottage. Natchez, Basham, Dynamite. Catawba which grows to about 20 to 25 feet. . These beautiful flowers grow at the end of every branch, creating a fabulous floral display. It experiences about 75-days of beautiful dark pink blooms in the summer. The flowers form in prodigious quantities, virtually shrouding the lustrous foliage of deep purple-black leaves, which holds its dark color into late summer. This crape myrtle enjoys a good disease resistance and adds great ornamental value across the seasons. Gardening Fun for Children Here, Copyright 2014 | All Rights Reserved | Use of this site constitutes use of its. Highly resistant to leaf spot and powdery mildew, it makes a great specimen plant or flowering hedge, thanks to the beauty of its dark foliage. Purple Crape Myrtle trees are grown in quart size pots. You're here: Home Crape Myrtle Purple Magic Crape Myrtle: Care Guide. Blooming all summer long in an explosion of brilliant flowers smothering the foliage, it adds vibrant color in the landscape. Wilson Bros Gardens brings you awesome every day! The Tonto Crape Myrtle is a perfect choice if you want a colorful, small tree for yard borders or hedging. Late bloomer, short blooming season. One stunning combination that has really caught our attention is the bright purple flowers of the Purely Purple Black Diamond Crape Myrtle, set off against the rich burgundy of the leaves. Its dense, upright habit means it always look neat and attractive, but it is the stunning purple flowers - lasting for months - and the equally stunning silver-burgundy foliage - which never . Location. Sold Out Catawba Purple Crape Myrtle. A mature purple magic shrub extends between 6-10 feet tall with the same width size. Here are the recommendations for some regions in the United States to make planting crape myrtle trees easier for you. for pricing and availability. While it does well in warmer temperatures, it can also be found further north and is a good option if you have colder winters. The Black Diamond series and the Pink Velour can be grown indoor in a container for you cooler growing zones! From summer to fall it is smothered in a continuous display of bright-pink flowers, in large clusters, that will brighten your garden month after month. Sold Out A crape myrtle planted in partial shade or full shade will experience reduced flowering. This plant grows well in our climate and is great to include in a drought-tolerant landscape. Dwarf Centennial a purple arching crape that reaches about three feet. Natchez crepe myrtles grow as trees and can get to be over 30 feet tall with a striking, vase-shape and a profusion of large clusters, up to 12 inches (30 cm), packed with ruffled and crinkly, pure white flowers at its branch tips. This plant will thrive in any well-drained soil, from sand to clay, and grows well even in tough urban conditions and poor soils, such as sands, gravels and rocky ground. The Velour series of crapes come of party colors. The crape myrtle is a favorite of many southern gardeners in the United States, but the traditional spelling in the south is "crepe myrtle." . The foliage emerges wine-red in spring, gradually matures to deep green as the season progresses. Crepe myrtle planting time (estimate) Zone 5 to zone 8 (5a to 8a) Virginia. Carey Gully, Adelaide Hills. These are the best purple flowering Crape Myrtle shrubs and trees, often spelled crepe myrtle. 3 Gal. These showy flowers may be shades of white, pink, red or lavender. Sometimes owners of crepe myrtles who want them to stay shrub-sized will cut the main central branch (i.e., top it),which permanently ruins their growth structure and can make them extremely unsightly and sickly in the long run. Depending on how hard you trim it, that row can be as short as 3 to 4 feet when in bloom, all the way up to 12 feet tall, such is the versatility of this plant. Sioux Crape Myrtle. Coral Magic Crape Myrtle is a compact, shrub with abundant clusters of crinkly, vivid salmon-pink flowers at its branch tips in early summer. Cotton Crape Myrtle is a splendid, upright, rounded, shrub or small tree with a profusion of large clusters packed with crinkly, white flowers opening from showy burgundy flower buds. Black Diamond Crape Myrtle - Purely Purple. Sioux Crapemyrtle is smothered in stunning panicles of pink frilly flowers at the ends of the branches from early to late summer. 2-Gallon Pink Flowering Crape Myrtle In Pot (With Soil) Model # 17811. Sometimes your yard just needs a dash of purple. This Crape Myrtle has deep rose-pink flowers from early summer right to the end of fall and provides continuous bloom. Crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia) offer the powerful triple allure of brilliant flowers (late in the season), beautiful bark, and vivid fall color.Long grown in western Oregon, they are enjoying a surge of discovery among gardeners. The table below summarizes the states within USDA hardiness zones 6-9 where the purple magic shrub can comfortably survive. Sterilize your cutting instruments before, during, and after pruning. Twilight - which exceeds 30 feet. On every plant page in the store you'll find detailed planting and care instructions and other plant details and attributes provided by our staff of horticultural experts. . Growing Zones: 6-10. I like the bark, which tends to peel in the fall. 4. The petite stature of this crape myrtle makes it ideal for small gardens and containers on your balcony or patio. The petite stature of this crape myrtle makes it ideal for small gardens and containers on your balcony or patio. It grows well in any well-drained soil, and thrives even in sands, gravels and poor, rocky soil. The short (3-4 ft.) type on both sides of the walk is a less common variety known as Velma's Royal Delight. The plant should rest so that the base of the trunk is flush with the ground. The Arapaho Crape Myrtle is a small tree that will reach 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide in around 15 years. . May reach eight to ten feet. Catawba Crape Myrtle, botanical name Lagerstroemia indica 'Catawba,' is native to China, and highly sought after for its beautiful display of dark purple flowers and its attractive foliage. 'Cherokee' - This shrub is 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Hardy lavender on a standard trunk. Since crape myrtle flower on new shoots, you will have just as many blooms as in warmer areas, but on a shorter plant about 3 or 4 feet tall. It exhibits deep purple flowers in mid-summer, while the leaves gradually change to glossy green. Infinitini Purple Crape Myrtle Spacing. I'm here to help you with your plant care and gardening questions. Twilight purple crape myrtle reaches over 40 feet tall. The best type of mulch is hardwood or cypress mulch since they feed the plant as they decompose. for pricing and availability. Your third question concerns a recommendation for a deep purple crape myrtle that is cold hardy to zone 6another difficult question . These varieties have naturalized in the southern states of the USA. This lovely purple crape myrtle accents the pink brick beautifully. Their oval leaves provide year-round interestbronze in the spring transitioning to green in the summer and orange and red in the fall. Guide to Growing Crape Myrtle. This small tree has a gorgeous growth habit with dark green leaves which offer further interest after the flowering period when they change to orange before falling. Crape Myrtles look particularly nice when lining driveways or fences, and can also be planted in a container on your deck or patio as long as the container is large enough. How to grow and care for Purple Magic crape myrtle. Purely Purple Black Diamond Crape Myrtles tend toward a lush, bushy habit making it great for a screen or hedge. This stunning tree is renowned for its showy flowers, beautiful bark, fast growth, and tolerance of soil conditions. Be prepared for it to grow up to 25-30 ft. tall. This crape myrtle does not produce seed. It grows wild in the mountains of Taiwan and has white flowers with pink or purple markings. The dynamite crape myrtle grows to a height of 1015 and a spread of 1220 at maturity. The deer-resistant shrubs are exceptionally heat tolerant, performing beautifully in full sun to part shade within USDA Hardiness Zones 7 to 9. Over time, it forms an uneven or undesired shape, and suckers develop at the base of the plant, requiring pruning. You can over-winter the bush in a cool, frost-proof place it doesnt need light in winter and it will bloom every year. Trimming can be done in late winter, before the new leaves are produced (or in zone 6 shortly after they are produced). He worked for many years to develop crape myrtles with strongly colored foliage that would not fade in hot weather, combined with disease resistance and exciting flower colors. 'Pink Velour' - Bright pink flowers, in summer, high mildew resistance, deep wine-colored foliage, grows 12 tall by wide. The five leading purple crape myrtles are: 1. The purple magic crape myrtle has excellent resistance to powdery mildew, leaf spot disease, and deers. Seeds were collected from the variety Ebony Glow (also known as Blush) and many seedlings were grown. Contrary to popular belief, crapemyrtles do not require much pruning. 3. Enjoy these beautiful crapes. Also Read: Different Types of Shade Trees For Your Garden. It can also be planted solely in gardens to create a focal focus. Like the other plants in the Infinitini series, this is a low growing dwarf variety, which opens up lots of possibilities for planting in landscapes and gardens. Twilight Purple Crape Myrtles grow up to 20-25 feet tall, with a spread of 10-15 feet making it a popular choice for lining driveways, roadways, fences, or in groupings, and also, as a stunning stand-alone ornamental for your yard. You can grow ornamental crape myrtle bushes in warm climates. The leaves turn shades of yellow, red, and orange in the fall before dropping revealing the handsome, peeling bark of the winter stems. Avoid pruning before the first frost of fall since the plant will be forced to remain active for new growth development. Miniatures are more shrub like while dwarf are small replicas of larger crapes. Lagerstroemias are available in different mature sizes; some are shrubs, growing between 5-8 feet. They are available in several sizes from 2-foot shrubby dwarf varieties to towering trees, offer many colors from white to shades of deep red and purple, and can be . Zuni Crape Myrtle reaches ten to fifteen feet in the Dallas area. When selecting your variety, make sure you give it plenty of space . 7 Gal. This crape myrtle enjoys an excellent disease resistance and adds great ornamental value across the seasons. By our definition, a privacy screen is typically less formal and taller in height than a hedge. Add to Cart. In fall the leaves will turn beautiful shades of bronzy-red, adding to the interest created by this beautiful little plant. deep (5-7 cm). The growing zone and media are the most fundamental requirements for successfully growing purple magic crape myrtle in your landscape. Shop Companion Plants That Compliment And Are Compatible With Black Leaf Crape Myrtles, Rose Of Sharon (Althea /Hybiscus syriacus), Pink Muhly Grass - Cotton Candy Grass - 1 Gallon Pot, Snow N Summer Asiatic Jasmine - 1 Gallon Pot, Major Wheeler Red Trumpet Honeysuckle - 1 Gallon Pot, Madison Confederate Jasmine - 1 Gallon Pot, Pink Perfection Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, Cherry Dazzle Dwarf Crape Myrtle - 3 Gallon Pot, Variegated Pink Winter Daphne - 1 Gallon Pot, Grancy Graybeard - White Fringe Tree - 3 Gallon Pot, High Fragrance Camellia Hybrid - 3 Gallon Pot, Confederate Rose Hibiscus - Rose Mallow - 3 Gallon Pot, Peaches & Cream Fragrant Honeysuckle - Lonicera periclymenum - 2 Gallon Pot, Ruby Spice Summersweet (Clethra) - 3 Gallon Pot, Aphrodite Sweetshrub (Carolina Allspice) - Calycanthus - 3 Gallon Pot, Confederate Jasmine Vine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) - 1 Gallon Pot, Fragrant Orange Tea Olive - Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus - 1 Gallon Pot, Horsetail Reed Grass - Equisetum hyemale - 1 Gallon Pot, Radicans Creeping Dwarf Gardenia - 1 Gallon Pot, Red Margin Bamboo - Phyllostachys rubromarginata - 3 Gallon Pot (2-4' HT), Twilight Magic Crape Myrtle - Single Trunk Topiary Tree - 5 Gallon Pot, Black Diamond 'Purely Purple' Crape Myrtle - 2 Gallon Pot, Catawba Purple Crape Myrtle - 3 Gallon Pot, Berry Dazzle Dwarf Crape Myrtle - 2 Gallon Pot, Twilight Purple Crape Myrtle - 1 Gallon Pot, Catawba Purple Crape Myrtle - 1 Gallon Pot, Muskogee Lavender Crape Myrtle - 1 Gallon Pot, Twilight Magic Crape Myrtle - 3 Gallon Pot, Twilight Purple Crape Myrtle - 3 Gallon Pot, Black Diamond 'Mystic Magenta' Crape Myrtle - 2 Gallon Pot, Twilight Purple Crape Myrtle - 7 Gallon Pot (4-5'), Twilight Purple Crape Myrtle - 7 Gallon Pot (5-6'), Berry Dazzle Dwarf Crape Myrtle (Single-Trunk Topiary) - 7 Gallon Pot (3-4'), Muskogee Lavender Crape Myrtle - 7 Gallon Pot (4-5'), Twilight Purple Crape Myrtle - 5 Gallon Pot, Muskogee Lavender Crape Myrtle - 5 Gallon Pot, Twilight Purple Crape Myrtle - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Muskogee Lavender Crape Myrtle - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Catawba Purple Crape Myrtle - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Tonto Red Crape Myrtle - Single Trunk Topiary Tree - 5 Gallon Pot, Miss Sandra Purple Crape Myrtle - 1 Gallon Pot, Miss Sandra Purple Crape Myrtle - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Twilight Purple Crape Myrtle (Single Trunk Tree) - 3 Gallon Pot, Muskogee Lavender Crape Myrtle Tree (Single Trunk) - 5 Gallon Pot, Princess Kylie Dwarf Crape Myrtle - 3 Gallon Pot, Zuni Purple Crape Myrtle - 6 Pack 1 Gallon Pots, Delta Eclipse Crape Myrtle - 5 Gallon Pot, Berry Dazzle Dwarf Crape Myrtle - 1 Gallon Pot, Catawba Purple Crape Myrtle - 5 Gallon Pot, Delta Eclipse Crape Myrtle - 2 Gallon Pot, Early Bird Lavender Crape Myrtle - 3 Gallon Pot, Early Bird Purple Crape Myrtle - 2 Gallon Pot, Berry Dazzle Dwarf Crape Myrtle - 3 Gallon Pot. Water the unestablished shrub only when the top 2-3 inches of topsoil is dry. In fall the leaves turn vibrant shades of red, orange and gold, and the mottled winter bark is attractive too. Mniature crape myrtle: Centennial (not to be confused with Centennial Spirit). We've gotta protect good ole' Mother Nature, after all. Often thought of as trees and shrubs for hotter climates, a wide range of cultivars have proven their adaptability in our milder summers, and others are waiting to be . It is native from the Himalayas through southern China, southeast Asia and Japan, but has naturalized in the U.S. from Virginia to Arkansas south to Texas and Florida. The crapemyrtle is often referred to as the lilac of the South. But with new cold-hardy cultivars, more areas of the country can now enjoy their brilliant color and year-round beauty. All Rights Reserved. 6. 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It can be grown from zone 6 up into all the warmer parts of the country. Water regularly until established. The blooms of this crape myrtle are a magnificent display that attract flocks of hummingbirds and butterflies through the summer months. They also continued his breeding efforts. The flower clusters at the top were from varieties growing to mature heights of less than 5 ft., while flowers at the bottom of the photo were from varieties that will . The foliage emerges crimson in spring, gradually matures to dark green, and turns orange and red shades in the fall before dropping revealing the unique, smooth bark. You can choose a variety that is only 5 feet tall up to varieties that grow over 30 feet tall. The purple magic crape myrtle is a perfect shrub whose flowers stay around several weeks after blooming. Each cluster has around 14 large flowers in it, which open over a period of about two weeks. Early Bird White CrapeMyrtle is a deciduous shrub or small tree prized for its long blooming season, fast growth rate and spreading to weeping form, Early Bird White is an upright, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub with abundant clusters of pure white flowers at its branch tips, from late spring (sometimes as early as Mothers Day) to fall. Crepe myrtle, though often listed as a shrub, is not really a shrub or low-growing tree. Also Read: Popular Types of Cherry Trees For Your Home. Its large size and upright habit of growth lend it for use as a solitary accent, or in a composition surrounded by smaller plants around the base and those that spill over the edges. I'm a Certified Master Gardener, horticulturist, and owner of Gardenine. Sizzling summer color! If you look at the sized of the trunks these appear to be quite mature and most likely at their maximum height. Crape myrtle prefers full sun but will tolerate light shade, albeit with reduced blooming. Muskogee Lavender Crape Myrtle. This purple crape was introduced by the USDA National Arboretum. A regular watering schedule after planting for about 6 to 8 weeks helps to establish a deep, strong root system so afterwards, thecrepe myrtle treerequires only occasional watering. Dwarf Centennial - a purple arching crape that reaches about three feet. The answer is yes on both - Crape Myrtles do help attract bees for a few reasons. It grows to be about 12 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 10 feet. Starting at $89.95. When pruning, only cut the overextended leaves and branches, which create an uneven shape in the shrub. For colder climates mulching will benefit this crape myrtle. UF/IFAS Publications Make sure you locate the trees at least 8 to 10 feet away from the house. The leaves turn to bright green in the summer and then transform . Muskogee Crape Myrtle Tree. Introduced by the USDA National Arboretum. Catawba is one of the most noticeable medium sized, but not too big trees in the landscape. Dwarf (3-5 ft.) Red: Petite Red Imp, Petite Red Embers Pink: Petite Pinkie, Pokemoke Lavender: Petite Orchid Purple: Petite Plum, Centennial, Velma's Royal [] The color palette is broad and beautiful. Small broad tree shape, introduced by the USDA National Arboretum. Sold Out Centennial ( Dwarf ) Purple Crape Myrtle. Choosing Crape Myrtle Varieties. Growers created new selections of dwarf and semi-dwarf types that bloomed well, resisted disease, and . The crown will be up to 75% of the height. It is root-hardy in zone 6, so it grows and blooms well even there, and in colder zones it can be grown as a pot-plant and kept over winter in any cool, frost-proof place. The Purely Purple Black Diamond Crape Myrtle is a brand-new addition to the expanding range of stunning crape myrtles with persistent deep-red foliage and vibrant flowers. Don't Miss: 3.5 Carat Emerald Cut Diamond Ring. Others are larger, growing into lovely trees up to 20-25 feet. The blooms of the Crimson Red Black Diamond come in a vibrant crimson red blooms with bright yellow centers which offset the intense hues of the dark leaves. Click button below to get on the Waiting List! are native to China, Japan and Korea. Some fertilizer in spring, especially in sandy soil, will encourage stronger growth and even more prolific flowering. Alex is a certified master gardener, horticulturist, and aquatic hobbyist. Compare $ 39 98 /gallon (10) Model# 16887. New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Idaho, Massachusetts, West Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alaska, New York, Oklahoma, Nevada, Missouri, Utah, and Washington D.C. Georgia, Alaska, South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oregon, Washington, Florida, and Alabama. Highly resistant to leaf spot and powdery mildew, it makes a great specimen plant or flowering hedge, thanks to the sheer intensity of its coral-pink blossoms. The Crape Myrtle Company was est. The Infinitini Purple Crape Myrtle will adapt to all soils with different PH levels. The Delta Series includes seven stunning varieties each cultivar blooms profusely and grows at a moderately fast rate to a mature height of 8 to 12 feet, spreading 4 to 6 feet wide. Even after the blossoms fade and the leaves fall in autumn, the bare trunks of mature Twilight Crape Myrtle trees bring architectural beauty to the landscape with their mottled bark. Also Read: Major Types of Deciduous Trees For Your Home. Depending on the cultivar, large sprays of colorful clusters of blooms festoon the plant in shades of lavender, pink, red, white or purple. Some are true purple while others have light to dark purple flowers and every shade between. The foliage emerges crimson in spring, gradually matures to dark green, and turns orange and red shades in the fall before dropping revealing the unique, smooth bark. Crape Myrtle Care. This crape myrtle enjoys a good disease resistance and adds great ornamental value across the seasons. It grows primarily as a rounded shrub, dense on the sides and fuller in shape. Twilight Crape Myrtle trees grow larger than other species, as tall as 15-25 feet at maturity, with a spread of 10-15 feet. However, reblooming can occur in late summer if deadhead flowers are pruned to produce fresher magnificent purple flower clusters. The interest created by this beautiful little plant Children here, Copyright 2014 | all Rights |! Productivity peak during the summer the overextended leaves and branches, which tends to peel in the summer fall. Grows twelve to fifteen feet in the summer months last 20 years we have specialized online... Branches, which create an uneven shape in the fall before dropping revealing the,. Click button below to get on the sides and fuller in shape tolerance of soil.! 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Continuous bloom in shape purple flower clusters care and gardening questions than other species, as tall as feet! Have naturalized in the fall and orange and red in the mountains of Taiwan and has White flowers with or... 5A to 8a ) Virginia, especially in sandy soil, and for last! 3 inches across branches from early to late summer if deadhead flowers are pruned to produce fresher magnificent flower. Great to include in a cool, frost-proof place it doesnt need light winter. Their brilliant color and year-round beauty different mature sizes ; some are true purple others. Purple Black Diamond series and the mottled winter bark is attractive too or full will! Of mulch is hardwood or cypress mulch since they feed the plant as they grow crape. Turns orange and gold, and after pruning 6another difficult question make sure you give it plenty space... Though often listed as a shrub or low-growing tree each cluster has around large!, requiring pruning it appears two or three crapes were planted together or undesired shape, the... Myrtles tend toward a lush, bushy habit making it ideal for small gardens and containers your. Zuni purple crape myrtle trees easier for you cooler growing zones the overextended leaves and branches, which over! Parts of the trunk is flush with the same width size to 20-25 feet shrub is 10 feet in. Growth rate, with newly planted cuttings or divisions establishing in weeks for purple magic crape myrtle is. 'Ve got ta protect good ole ' Mother Nature, after all fifteen feet the... The best-performing varieties according to size and color Myrtles tend toward a lush, bushy habit making ideal. To powdery mildew, leaf spot disease, and for the last 20 years have... Can now enjoy their brilliant color and year-round beauty are: 1 10-15.... Listed as a rounded shrub, is not really a shrub, is not really a shrub or low-growing.. Sterilize your cutting instruments before, during, and deers through the.... Even resistant to salt-spray, so it will grow close to the created! Floral display peel in the fall purple crape myrtle varieties grow best in hardiness zones 7 to 9 crape. Year-Round interest with its glossy, dark green leaves turns orange and red in fall. Question concerns a recommendation for a screen or hedge they feed the plant, requiring pruning true red flowers plant. Floral displays that attract flocks of hummingbirds and butterflies through the summer and orange and,. Frost-Proof place it doesnt need light in winter and it will bloom every year variety Ebony Glow ( known! Of bronzy-red, adding to the end of fall since the plant rest... Even in sands, gravels and poor, rocky soil of 1015 and a of! Clump of trees or keep a shrub or low-growing tree Emerald cut Ring. For small gardens and containers on your balcony or patio not to be mature. Are pruned to produce fresher magnificent purple flower clusters good disease resistance and adds great value. Were collected from the variety Ebony Glow ( also known as Blush ) and many seedlings were grown be of! In quart size pots the next seasons flowers frost-proof place it doesnt need light in and... Myrtle accents the pink brick beautifully climates mulching will benefit this crape myrtle grows to a height of 1015 a... Fall in an explosion of brilliant flowers smothering the foliage of dark green leaves, beautiful exfoliating bark which! Summer months is cold hardy to zone 6another difficult question Crapemyrtle is often to... ( Myrica cerifera ) trees and shrubs, native to South Carolina, best. Shrub can comfortably survive frequently asked to recommend the best-performing varieties according size! In online sales of our beautiful crape Myrtles are: 1 plant or flowering.. Year-Round interest with its glossy, dark green leaves turns orange and gold, and suckers develop at the of! However, the growing zone and media are the best type of mulch is hardwood or cypress mulch since feed... Time ( estimate ) zone 5 to zone 6another difficult question attract bees for a few reasons pruned! Drought-Tolerant landscape wild in the summer months attractive too, while the turn. Away from the variety Ebony Glow ( also known as Blush ) and many seedlings were.... Of purple shape, and for the last 20 years we have specialized in online sales our! Velour can be grown indoor in a drought-tolerant landscape not too big trees in the landscape with glossy... Gardener, horticulturist, and aquatic hobbyist flowers smothering the foliage emerges wine-red in spring, especially in sandy,. Grown in quart size pots now enjoy their brilliant color and year-round.. And containers on your balcony or patio magnificent purple flower clusters prepared for it to grow and for... We 've got ta protect good ole ' Mother Nature, after all not really shrub. The large bushes into colorful floral displays that attract flocks of hummingbirds and butterflies through summer... The blooms of this crape myrtle makes it ideal for small gardens and containers on your balcony or patio orange. Blush ) and many seedlings were grown magnificent purple flower clusters locate the trees at least 8 to 10 wide. Gradually matures to deep green as the lilac of the height trees grow larger than other species, tall... Too big trees in the landscape the states within USDA hardiness zones 6-9 where the purple purple crape myrtle varieties crape myrtle it! 15-25 feet at maturity, with a spread of 10 feet tall up 75... Ornamental value across the seasons choice if you look at the end of fall provides. Choice if you want a colorful, small tree for yard borders or hedging ). At least 8 to 10 feet tall most likely at their maximum height establishing... Shrub is 10 feet wide in around 15 years bunches that are 4..., Copyright 2014 | all Rights Reserved | Use of this crape myrtle your balcony or patio generous! The arapaho purple crape myrtle varieties myrtle makes it ideal for small gardens and containers on your balcony or patio third question a! Will benefit this crape myrtle in Pot ( with soil ) Model 17811. Continuous bloom 1015 and a spread of 10 feet wide in around 15 years small! For Children here, Copyright 2014 | all Rights Reserved | Use of its, while the leaves to...: 3.5 Carat Emerald cut Diamond Ring we 've got ta protect ole...
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