St. John (Maximovitch), known as St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco, was born in 1896 grew up in pre-Revolutionary Russia. It was one of the most intense experiences of our lives so far, but yet another story of St. John's continued wonderworking even to this day. The diagnosis was a frightful one, cancer of the breast. In a little over a week even that was gone. I ran it under cold water for an hour and prayed. Let us take care for those who have departed into the other world before us, in order to do for them all that we can, remembering that "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.". Glorifying the wonders of a holy hierarch who once walked among us, we cry out to God: Alleluia! Saint John is known for his healing powers. I know, one should not make promises, but I made a promise to improve my Christian life in a certain way. I still can not say I have fully delivered on my promise, but I am trying. She gave us a vile of St. John's holy oil and told us to anoint the baby if anything went wrong (we had heard of other stories of St. John's healing during emergencies at birth). Thereafter he ministered in Europe, serving as Bishop first in Paris then in Brussels, until he became Archbishop of San Francisco in 1962. I've included it especially to show the unity of Holy Orthodoxy, despite our jurisdictional divisions. How could this degree help him through his mission? Neither have the first yet received the inheritance of the Kingdom and those good things 'which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man' (1 Cor 2:9); nor have the second part yet been given over to eternal torments nor to burning in the unquenchable fire. While tossing and turning she spotted a bottle of holy oil from the relics of St. John of San Francisco on her night stand. Later in 1946, he was named the Archbishop of China. While some people absolutely revered him, there were others who ridiculed him severely, calling him a fool, accusing him of handling his episcopal role with incompetence and . Child healed of viral infectionReceived on July 24, 2011. My wife reminded me of the oil of St. John and I pulled it off the shelf and anointed our son three times on the forehead, asking St. John to help us. glorified in Imperial Russia, St. John of Tobolsk was the distant ancestor, heav-enly patron, model, and guide of the newly-revealed Saint John (Maximovitch), Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco, the Wonder-worker. Before thy firm support of prayer, we cry with faith:Rejoice, sight to those who are blind.Rejoice, thou who by the power of prayer givest life to those on their bed of death.Rejoice, thou who with divine wisdom dost enlighten those in confusion and doubt.Rejoice, refreshing water to those perishing in the heat of sorrow.Rejoice, loving father to the orphaned and abandoned.Rejoice, holy teacher of those who seek the Truth.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! The first treatment was in Mid-May, and the prognosis for her life expectancy remained the same. KONTAKION IChosen wonderworker and pleaser of Christ, who pourest forth inexhaustible streams of inspiration and a multitude, of miracles upon the whole world, we praise thee with love and call out to thee:Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! Parish icon of St. John with scenes from his life, with a relic, resting on his cassock. After this he began his teaching career in a Serbian high school. Some time later, the cough stopped and the boy quietly slept until morning. O, beloved Hierarch John, while living amongst us thou didst see the future as if present, distant things as if near, the hearts and minds of men as if they were thine own. Deliver us also from bondage to sin and the invisible foe, that, rejoicing, we may cry out to God: Alleluia! So, I picked a day and went there one morning in early March of 2009. , . Saints Constantine & Helen Orthodox Christian Church, Preparatory & Thanksgiving Prayers for Holy Communion, Small Supplication to the Most Holy Theotokos, AKATHIST TO SAINT JOHN THE WONDERWORKER (MAXIMOVITCH), Supplication to Saint Ephraim of Nea Makri. Our priest told him we were coming there and why. It was not happening due to my health issues, and doctors said they were not sure if it would happen at all, and recommended to do IVF or adopt. Until then changes are possible in the condition of souls, especially through offering for them the Bloodless Sacrifice (commemoration at the Liturgy), and likewise by other prayers. Thou dost refresh with thy love and miracles all who cry in faith to God: Alleluia! At the same time my grandmother who is also my God mother was getting worse in health and we realized she probably wouldn't be with us for long. For a minute I thought about my dream job. And in this too, there is much uproar and great and indescribable turbulence as to who shall take that wretched soul. Within a week we found 2 contractors that completed the work for only $1200!!! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. But, if it is found to have lived carelessly and prodigally, it hears the most harsh word: 'Let the ungodly be taken away, that he not see the glory of the Lord' (Isa 26:10). Please continue to pray to God for us!Dn. Even those thoroughly familiar with the life of St John will find this documentary contains much that they . Aren't you the one who fornicated and thoroughly polluted Holy Baptism? st john maximovitch prayer of healing St John the Wonderworker - Orthodox It involved a godly woman of Russian descent who was a member of the New Martyrs of Russia Orthodox Church, where Father Sergei Sveshnikov is the priest. ", St. Macarius Of Egypt writes of this: "When you hear that there are rivers of dragons and mouths of lions (cf. It is a miracle! He was a member of the Little Russian noble family of Maximovitch, to which St. John of Tobolsk also had belonged. To thee, the pastor and protector of a countless host * of homeless orphans, widows, paupers, and afflicted souls, * do we offer anthems born of love and thanksgiving. This site has been made possible by a grant from Leadership 100. Teach us who call upon thee for help, O holy woderworker, to cry out in wonder unto God: Alleluia! In 1934 he was made Bishop of Shanghai, where he served until the Communists came to power. A grim angel (i.e., a demon) will come to take and drag violently the soul that has been tied to sins; and your soul will turn toward here and will suffer silently, having already been excluded from the organ of mourning (the body). 2023Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The souls of the dead do not lose their consciousness, they do not even lose their dispositions -- that is, hope and fear, joy and grief, and something of that which they expect for themselves at the Universal Judgment they begin already to foretaste.". [5] According to the revelation of the angel to St. Macarius, the Church's special commemoration of the departed on the 9th day after death (apart from the general significance of the ranks of angels) occurs because up to then the soul is shown the beauties of Paradise, and only after this, for the remainder of the forty days, is sown the torments and horrors of hell, before being assigned on the fortieth day to the place where it will await the resurrection of the dead and the Last Judgment. He was given the baptismal name of Michael, after the Holy Archangel Michael. There was a swelling on it the size of a chicken egg. The Holy Hierarch John Maximovitch was born in the Kharkov region in 1896, and reposed in Seattle in 1966. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates and and happenings at St John. OIKOS VIShining forth in thy righteousness, thou didst do the impossible and persuade the authorities of this world to have pity on thy flock, O good shepherd. KONTAKION XIII0 all-radiant and most wondrous God-pleaser, holy hierarch John (x3), consolation for all who sorrow, accept this, our offering of prayer, that through thy prayers to our Lord we may be delivered from fiery Gehenna and by thy God-pleasing intercession we may chant forever unto God: Alleluia! Copyright Orthodox Christian Fellowship all Rights Reserved. The Archdiocese responds to the spiritual needs of the Greek Orthodox Christian Faithful through National Ministries, providing programs and services to your local parishes, Metropolises, and you. St. John the Wonderworker Orthodox Church, You can view our Sunday services via live stream link, Saturday Divine Liturgy 8am ; Vespers 6pm. The greatest earthly joy is undoubtedly the realization that we die honored and appreciated by all who knew us. The information contained on the website of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is for informational purposes only. Beholding the grace bestowed upon thee, we know that God hath not abandoned His people.It is rather we that haste fallen from Him, and so must regain the likeness of Divinity as thou hast done.Through thine intercession, O blessed one, grant that we may increase our striving toward our heavenly homeland, setting our affections on things above, laboring in prayer and virtue, waging war against the attacks of our fallen nature.Invoke the mercy of God, that we may one day join thee in His Kingdom.For our deepest wish is to live forever with Him, with the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Since his repose in 1966, he has been especially glorified by God through signs and miracles, and his body has remained incorrupt. When I asked her about the address it turned out to be in the very same building where my father and grandmother lived and where I lived as a child only on a different floor. We thank you very much for the Holy Oil from the reliquary of Saint John Wonderworker. (1995). It was a clearly a miracle after so many years of trying! Get yourself to dark Hell. The soul is our very existence, the center of all our energies and our thoughts. O relatives and close ones of the dead! In the Church prayers are ever offered for the repose of the dead, and on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, in the kneeling prayers at vespers, there is even a special petition "for those in hell. They seek whether people might have some of their goods. Wherefore, we trust in thine intercession before God, and cry out to thee:Rejoice, thou who dost avert the dangers of the elements.Rejoice, thou who by thy prayer deliverest from need.Rejoice, inexhaustible giver of bread to the hungry.Rejoice, abundant wealth for those who live in poverty.Rejoice, consolation for those in sorrow.Rejoice, quick uplifting for those who have fallen.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! Having read the book on the healings and life of St. John of San Francisco (Blessed John the Wonderworker), she came to me after church services and asked for oil from the lampada in the sepulchre of Archbishop John, as her daughter was seriously sick. These are the wondrous miracles of Blessed John. The miracle is she had true peace, no fear, and was ready for departure when it came. So when the labor stopped progressing, our midwife told my wife to get out of the pool and lay down so she could try pulling our son out. On the third day, He Who Himself rose from the dead on the third day, commands the Christian soul, in imitation of His Resurrection, to ascend to the Heavens to worship the God of all. He was a member of the Little Russian noble family of Maximovitch, to which St. John of Tobolsk also had belonged. Current Schedule: Please help support our Cathedral by clicking on the Donate button below. (1994), 2) Our altar boy, Oleg S., asked me after church services to anoint his hand. Maximovitch was a patriot of his fatherland and was profoundly disappointed by what he saw as human weakness and impermanence during the tragic events of the 1917 revolution. St. GREGORY THE GREAT, in answering the question, "Is there anything at all that can possibly benefit souls after death?" St. John Maximovitch is one of the only incorrupt saints in America. One night, I was browsing the internet, about a particular church. Katherin McFadden fell asleep in the Lord on July 12, 2006, five and half years after the pneumonia revealed the large cell carincoma going through her chest wall. Thou didst travel to the ends of the earth to save thy flock and proclaim the glad tidings of the Gospel to those in darkness. Aren't you the one who polluted the angelic habit? Terrible indeed is the third day for the soul of the departed, and for this reason it especially needs prayers then for itself. But if the soul is found clean and sinless, it goes up the Heaven with such joy.". Graduate School acceptanceReceived January 17, 2013I was applying to graduate schools and I had a top choice that was completely out of my league due to my GMAT score. ", They prescribe Memorials on the ninth day "as a reminder of the living and the dead," as well as "on the fortieth day after death according to ancient practice.". Get back. He continued his education at the same university in Theology, where he finished in 1925. St. John is the greatest saint and he has become like a grandfather to me. Giving thanks to God for thine apostolic labors we cry out to Him: Alleluia! 501 West 27th Street,Cheyenne, WY 82001Phone: 307.635.5929 | Email the Parish Office. My husband Alan (Andrew) was diagnosed with cancer stage IV, last year. OIKOS IIIThou shouldst truly be praised from the heavens, and not from earth, O father John, for our words are feeble beside thy deeds. Seeing the beauty of thy virtues, we cry out to thee:Rejoice, thou who from earliest childhood wast adorned in piety.Rejoice, thou who didst ever live in fear of God and do His holy will.Rejoice, thou who didst manifest the grace of God through good deeds done secretly.Rejoice, thou who dost hearken to the prayers of those in distress.Rejoice, thou who didst hasten, full of love, to save thy neighbors.Rejoice, joy to all who fall down before thee with faith.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! It was tragic for us. These works may not be further reproduced, in print or on other websites or in any other form, without the prior written authorization of the copyright holder: Reading Holy Transfiguration Monastery - Brookline, MA, Apolytikion Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Kontakion Holy Transfiguration Monastery. If the soul is found to have lived piously and in a way pleasing to God, it is received by the holy angels and transferred to that ineffable joy of the blessed and eternal life. In August 2008 I went on business to San Francisco and took holy oil from the lampada in the sepulchre of Archbishop John. KONTAKION VIIDesiring to glorify as is meet the ancient saints of the West, of lands which had fallen away from the truth, thou didst revive their veneration in the Orthodox Church, O lover of the saints of the East and the West. Of course, all three of us went! You can also read about many of his miracles and responses to his letters. The doctors insisted on surgery, but when she came to the hospital for observation, the doctors and the sick woman herself were amazed: the swelling had disappeared and there remained only a scar. KONTAKION IIBeholding the abundance and variety of thy virtues, O holy Hierarch, we see in thee a living source of God's wonders in our time. Try, if it be possible, to have the funeral in Church and to have the Psalter read over the deceased until the funeral. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. Your body will die, but you will over to a different world, being alive, remembering yourself and recognizing the whole world that surrounds you.". Recently, I anointed my Mother, Eva, in hospital following a huge operation, for healing with Holy Oil sent from Fathers' lamp, and after 16 months of illness and prayer, the blessing finally came.She began to regain strength and came out of mental illness for a few days, was "herself" talking and remembering, but following this, we were told we should prepare for the end. How can St. John Maximovitch intercede for us? Thou shouldst truly be praised from the heavens, and not from earth, O father John, for our words are feeble beside thy deeds. Wherefore all thy children look to thee with love in gratitude cry out to God: Alleluia! He reads the letters and is said to respond to every one in one way or another. But, as it says in the Psalm, 'In that day all their thoughts shall perish' (Psalm 145:5). My eye hurt terribly. Yesterday I received the oil. Rejoice, thou who didst ever guard thy flock with the sign of the Cross. And they come again to another rung and there find another toll-house, fiercer and more horrible. Saint Dymphna, martyr of purity, patroness of those who suffer with nervous and mental afflictions, beloved child of Jesus and Mary, pray to Them for me and obtain my request. All rights reserved. I've visited St. John's relics in San Francisco twice in 2011.The healing of my soul and body started when I first stepped into church and still continues today. I saw what I can only describe as a miracle and it has changed my life. For the dark custom officials saw our spotless body and were put to shame; they saw the soul good and pure and were embarrassed; they say the tongue immaculate and pure and blameless and they were silenced; we passed by and humiliated them. On 3 June, 1934 (despite his own protests), the Hieromonk John (Maximovitch), at the age of 38, was ordained to the Holy Episcopateby Metropolitan Antony (Khrapovitsky), together with many other Russian hierarchs and Serbian delegates, such as his contemporary, Bishop Nikolaj (Velimirovi)of Ochrid. OIKOS IAn angel in the flesh wast thou manifested in these latter times by the grace of God Who ever careth for men. KONTAKION IXAll the angelic hosts rejoiced at thy soul's ascent to the mansions of heaven, marveling at the wonders thou didst perform on earth through the action of the Holy Spirit, to Whom we sing: Alleluia! [1], But when it leaves the body, the soul finds itself among other spirits, good and bad. But the soul senses the prayers offered for it and is grateful to those who make them and is spiritually close to them. Finally, I annointed the area directly above, below, and to the sides of his eye and our family prayed to St. John and to the Theotokos for our son to be healed. St. ATHANASIUS THE GREAT, in his famous life of St. Antony, describes the following: In their accusation the demons uttered many brazen lies; but since their slanders were wanting in proof, a free path opened for Antony. teaches: Many incidents from the Lives of Orthodox saints and ascetics confirm this teaching. : ? Of this they are always in need, and especially during those forty days when the soul of the deceased is proceeding on its path to the eternal habitations. This is love!". Hiermonk John was consecrated a bishop in 1934 and assigned to the Diocese of Shanghai. You can also read about many of his miracles and responses to his letters here. It only goes over to another order of life. Bishop John (Maximovitch) Episcopal service Give to us who have fallen into sin, confusion and despair the same stern yet loving instruction that thou didst once give to thy chosen flock. We annointed him with St. John's oil every day, placed an icon of the Theotokos inside his crib, and through the intercessions of St. John, the Theotokos, Saint Savvas the Sanctified, St. Savvas of Kalymnos, and St. Savas the Prince of Serbia, glory to God, our son was healed. I love You very much Grandpa John and I Thank You for all your prayers! KONTAKION IIIBy the power of the grace of God wast thou manifest as a father to orphans and instructor of the young, raising them in the fear of God and preparing them for the service of God. Rejoice, thunder to those obstinate in sin.Rejoice, lightning burning up heresies. the priest-monk asked. Margaret McFadden Mueller. Saint John Maximovitch, Metropolitan of Tobolsk Commemorated on June 10 Troparion & Kontakion Saint John, Metropolitan of Tobolsk and All Siberia, the Wonderwonder, in the world was named John Maximovitch, and he was born in the city of Nezhino in 1651. We spent the weekend praying for our daughter. My son Daniel is now 10 months, he is a healthy and happy baby, and we constantly thank St. John for helping to bring him in this world.VeraGratitude to St. JohnReceived June 24, 2014 , . What manner of ordeal doth the soul endure when it is parted from the body! Rejoice, downpour of the dogmas of Orthodoxy.Rejoice, dew of the thought of God.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! But before we went there, we should go to venerate relics of St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco. June, 1995), 4) Another parishioner of mine, Nadezhda, told me that her son Michael caught a severe cold and had a convulsive cough which only grew worse. After venerating St. John's incorupt relics at Holy Virgin Mary Joy of All Who Sorrow, and placing the names "birth mother" and "Birth father" on the prayer sheets, I received a call from an agency I had contacted with my information. In addition to these Memorials, our holy Church has ordained that the Sabbath (Saturday) be a day of commemoration of the Holy Martyrs and of all the deceased. I was sure I will see my baby for this time because of St. John. The soul, meanwhile, cowers and terror encompasses it, and it makes as if to hide in the bosom of the Angels and there is a great discussion and must turmoil until that soul is delivered from the hands of the demons. Basil The Great (4th century) explains it this way: "Let no one deceive you with empty words; for destruction will come suddenly upon you; it will come like a storm. ", This truth is confirmed by various liturgical services. O thou who didst depart this temporal life unto life eternal, to which the all-pure Mistress, the Directress of the Russian diaspora, guided thee by her wonder-working Kursk-Root Icon, whose companion thou wast on the day of thy repose, thou dost now rejoice in the choir of the saints who glorify the one God, Who is worshipped in Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Our earthly life is a preparation for the future life, and this preparation ends with our death. And now, with the publication of Blessed John the Wonderworker and other books and articles about him in the Russian language, the people of Russia are beginning to know, too, and have already experienced healings through his prayers, as the following accounts testify. And who shall tell, holy Father, the straits in which the condemned souls will find themselves in that place! St. John, Pray to God for us, sinners!Vera M. in PA. Grace from God's MercyReceived on August 8, 2011In April 2008, Holy Father John healed me by his prayers, through a dream, taking me to His sepulchre, and removing grief from my mind and heart. (Saint John revered the memory of Saint Theodosius, believing in the power of his prayerful intercession before the Lord. For the Sabbath, as the seventh day from the beginning of creation, is the day which saw bodily death, imposed upon man by the righteous God. I have searched for so many years to find the records in order to know from where I come. Take some time to compose letters to St. John and send them to: Holy Virgin Cathedral Joy of All Who Sorrow, 6210 Geary Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94121. What does this mean? (Pray one Our Father . Like a spiritual daystar in heaven's firmament, * thou didst encompass the whole world and didst enlighten men's souls. As a result, he made the decision to dedicate his life to serving God. The Orthodox Christian Faith proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the teachings of the Apostles, and the tradition and life of the living Church worldwide through worship, communion, witness, and service. Such a person discerns in his beloved friends' tears of pain their love and sincere dedication. They also send and leave him mail, sharing their prayer requests and concerns in letters. , . Kontakion 10 Wishing to save the world, the Savior of all has sent a new saint among us and through him has called us out of the dark recesses of sin. [1] But his soul continues to live. It was during a trip to Seattle, Washington in 1966 that Archbishop John reposed, and his incorrupt relics now rest in the new Joy of All Who Sorrow cathedral in San Francisco. Saint Nino Orthodox Church - Stillwater, OK, Orthodox Church in Stillwater and Enid - Oklahoma. I don't remember how I formulated the internet search, but one of the first links that came up was about St. John, The Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco. Amen. Invoke the mercy of God, that we may one day join thee in His Kingdom. Preserve us, that we too may abide in this Faith, who cry out to thee:Rejoice, thou who wast a new Martin by thy miracles and ascetic feats.Rejoice, thou who wast a new Germanus by thy confession of the Orthodox faith.Rejoice, thou who wast a new Hilary by thy divine theology.Rejoice, thou who wast a new Gregory by thy love and glorification of God's saints.Rejoice, thou who wast a new Faustus by thy monastic fervor.Rejoice, thou who wast a new Caesarius by thy steadfast love for the canons of the Church of God.Rejoice, O holy hierarch, Father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes! We were looking for a miracle to happen in San Francisco. It is an attainment of such spiritual height, that the abundance of God's grace which fills the saint overflows on all who associate with him. May I now, O Lord, be able to do Your will for the . First and foremost he was a man of prayer. An early Church catchiest, referring to custom officials who collected taxes, relays to us the common Church teaching: This view is upheld by our great Father, St. We went to every possible doctor to determine the cause of not having a child. ], but I made a promise to improve my Christian life in a Little a. On his cassock and indescribable turbulence as to who shall take that wretched soul information contained on the of. John of Tobolsk also had belonged in the flesh wast thou manifested in these latter times by the of... Of these cookies may affect your browsing experience ) was diagnosed with cancer stage IV, last year habit... Incidents from the lampada in the Psalm, 'In that day all their thoughts shall perish ' ( Psalm ). 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Go to venerate relics of St. John of San Francisco on her night stand people have... Please help support our Cathedral by clicking on the Donate button below a certain way and reposed in in! A Bishop in 1934 he was given the baptismal name of Michael after! Reads the letters and is said to respond to every one in one way or another Christian in. Of Tobolsk also had belonged obstinate in sin.Rejoice, lightning burning up heresies one, cancer the! I know, one should not make promises, but I am trying his hand the Psalm 'In! Or another clean and sinless, it goes up the Heaven with such.. Russian noble family of Maximovitch, to cry out to God: Alleluia thy and! Stillwater and Enid - Oklahoma for only $ 1200!!!!!!!!!!!. Grant from Leadership 100 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is for informational purposes.... Have fully delivered on my promise, but I made a promise to improve st john maximovitch prayer of healing Christian life a. Our priest told him we were coming there and why from bondage to sin and the prognosis her!