A material identified by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as a hazardous Class I Waters: The transporting, washing, sizing, flotation, storage, drying, grinding, and shipping and where, in addition, the following services only may be rendered and sales made storage, handling or processing facilities. and radio/television transmitting or receiving facilities. Reupholstery: of others. or mills and characteristically use power driven machines and materials handling equipment. Grand Opening Sign: Uses identified with an "N" are potentially permitted Conditional Uses A residence, dwelling or other place approved as a Community Residential Home which Delicatessen: Portable Sign: measurements of a tree's anatomy and asserts a point value for each measurement. The portion of a divided highway physically separating vehicular traffic traveling kitchen approved in accordance with the Special Use requirements of Section 6.11.107 of this Code; or, 2) cooking facilities located on screened porches or other exterior DESIGN STANDARDS AND IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS supplied containers. wheeled motorized vehicles. a semi-enclosed space. in length, which have no published instrument approach procedure and which are open No. means a feeding operation where more animals are confined than are specified in the The use of land, buildings, or structures for the above-ground transmission or reception Farm Supplies: hut with a thatched roof of palm or palmetto or other traditional materials, constructed in opposite directions. regional recreational uses prohibited. Porch: Facility. Cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, etc. such areas, facilities, and improvements as will be for common use by some or all If the facility also sells food, and the intent of this Code. is limited to a maximum of 14 "placed" residents. classified as an expressway or limited access facility under the Hillsborough County Pump/Lift Station: An area reserved for landscaping and permeable open area which shall be improved and Meat markets do not include the killing, butchering, and This also includes the term Landmark Site: for residential uses pursuant to this Code, or any parcel zoned R-1, R-2, R-3, R-E, 30,000 laying hens or broilers (if the facility has a liquid manure handling system). 27-55. form of touching, wrestling or tumbling between persons when one or more of the persons and which cannot be licensed for street operation. into its construction. Slash pine flatwoods are subject to less moisture governments. Cross-Access: which the customer/developer receives service. An area which contains significant material remains of past human life or activities of the Comprehensive Plan. No. Statutes, and occur in Hillsborough County. Replacement of mufflers, tail pipes, water hoses, seat covers, grease retainers, wheel including rolling stock, belt-line railroad ferries and car ferries; police boats; less than or equal to 1500 vehicles per day). No. All facets of land use in Hillsborough County are determined by the Land Development Code. Day, Working: Also excluded are Water from natural springs shall be classified as surface and which under normal circumstances does or could support, a dominance of wetland Municipal Solid Waste Household Chemical Collection Center: The extraction of earth products for sale or transport off-site including the removal V-A)(11-0236), 11-3-11, eff. Ultralight Vehicle: in Part 10.02.00 and in conformance with the standards contained in Article VI. farm supplies stores; florists; furniture and home furnishing stores; gift shops; An establishment engaged in the business of washing domestic vehicles with self serve, Improvement Facilities: A(10-0725), (10-0743), eff. structure, the use of which is incidental and accessory to that of the principal structure, roofing system. the beginning of mining activities. property does not require modifications to the existing permitted connections, a new A sign which is affixed to a building or the ground in compliance with the requirements each component or element shall be considered to be a single sign. of Hillsborough County, is an appointed Board, created by the Board of County Commissioners, County. and through real property. A cluster of similar or compatible uses; usually used in reference to non-residential in Article 2. A living organism other than plants, bacterium or humans. of less than 75 megawatts in capacity. escrow agreements and cashier's checks and may also function as a surety or guaranty or condominium complexes, etc. floriculture, viticulture, forestry, dairy, livestock, poultry, bee, aquaculture, Any vehicle, other than utility trailers and commercial, domestic and recreational treatments, roof overhangs, textured materials, or projections/recesses in building such as dumpsters, storage sheds, gazebos, chickee/chiki or tiki hut, and other similar Rental housing costs include the contract rent. Place of business where no alcoholic beverages are sold, but where patrons may keep access onto the collector or arterial street is present. the support of life. categories listed below. sales and shipping of vehicles or parts thereof. trove, artifacts, or other objects with intrinsic historical or archaeological value, That part of a multi occupancy complex housing one occupant. Accessory generators for hospitals, schools, and other swamp, coastal strand (see natural beaches and dunes) and marine grassbeds. vegetation or aquatic life. The word "Bond" also includes letters of credit, Class II Waters: the review and approval consistent with Florida Law. longer a controlling factor in suppressing hardwoods. facilities, other than a private stable, including riding academies and private riding detective agencies and security services, insurance agencies, management consulting by the Florida Department of Natural Resources shall be used to determine the MHW do not include cooking facilities located on screened porches or other exterior areas existing and proposed low water and high water elevations, together with adequate thereof, required by the Hillsborough County Building Code (County Ordinance No. that the community has sustained impacts from a natural catastrophe, which in the Copy: The junction between the exterior face of a dam and the adjacent terrain. Eating Establishment/Sit-down: 5 or by natural fermentation with brandy added. archaeology, engineering and culture maintained by the Secretary of the Interior, governed by other applicable regulations. Off-Site Sign: for supply of Reclaimed Water to Reclaimed Water distribution systems and to users included in the designated Parks and Open Space shall be considered a Cluster Lot. An establishment engaged in the retail sale of packaged alcoholic beverages for consumption A common feature of closed drainage basins. technical information for public potable water supply wells in conformance with Comprehensive or ground sign or roof sign with sign faces on both sides of such sign shall be construed of America. use of the physical environment leading to the reduction in the incidence and fear Some elements affecting compatibility that may be made denser by the purchase of development rights from a sending area. overstory tree of this vegetation type may be either slash pine, longleaf pine or Marquee: The treatment of sewage in septic tanks and the disposal of the effluent by absorption Adverse Effect (on Historic and Archaeological Resources): Animal Production Unit/Type 1: Irrigation Zone: A declaration made by the Hillsborough County Emergency Policy Group (Policy Group) Close: per day. Permanent Sign: during part of the year. Water service which is provided by the City or County and shall meet the requirements The on and off-site construction to be completed per: The Road/Transportation, Bridge and Drainage Plans, The Water and Wastewater Plans and Specifications, The Parks and Recreation Plans and Specifications. An establishment engaged in the repair of electrically powered equipment of electronic Maps. seating for the viewers of such activities. Directional Sign: The solid, semisolid, or liquid residue generated during the treatment of domestic which is the upper limit of saturation, or water which is held in the unsaturaged An interim wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of under 500,000 gallons per pipe, gypsum wallboard, and lumber from the construction or demolition project or means any person on the premises of a sexually oriented business who puts or keeps Semi-Nude Model Studio: mail, express freight and other cargo; administrative offices; and other uses compatible A facility for storing, servicing, fueling, berthing and securing and launching of from another by fencing, walls, berms, or densely planted vegetation. Birds commonly raised for consumption, egg production or personal enjoyment which ("POD"): pine flatwoods, dry prairie, sand pine scrub, sandhill, xeric hammock, mesic hammock, Community Residential Home A: Specific community types can be identified by characteristic Faunal species identified in Section 39-27.03-05 FAC which warrant special protection, Conceptual Drainage Plan: Motion Picture Studio: A main used to supply Reclaimed Water from the wastewater treatment plant or pumping This distance is measured from the closest edge An establishment engaged in the renting or leasing of commercial vehicles and heavy Stormwater Detention: or to a non-transient non-community water. like items. Open space located within private residential lots (yard areas and/or A sign located on premises upon which a grand opening is taking place. See Communications Facility, Wireless. substrata. The Reclaimed Water connection from the County system to the point of delivery to during dry periods. consumption off the licensed premises of the business establishment. and leachate from areas that receive pollutants associated with industrial or commercial Retention areas are considered open space if they serve as Potable Water Wellfield: Liner Retail: Animals commonly associated with farm use including but not limited to domestic hoofed made a determination that the community has sustained an impact. County that the promised improvements and construction will be completed as agreed how and when reclamation will be accomplished. The methods applied An area intended for higher density development, typically at transportation nodes, Applicant: No. activities are to occur. merchandise by telephone. Park-N-Ride: grooming, dressing and ambulation; the supervision of the administration of medication, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, or drought, or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood, Animal Hospital/General: A open space unoccupied and unobstructed by any structure or portion of a structure The use of land, structures or buildings for the provision of facilities or work done pedestrian movement, by an arterial street or by any street consisting of more than A River in Hillsborough County is the Alafia River, Little Manatee River, Hillsborough Medical Offices: top layer and various scrubby oaks and other shrub species making up a thick, often Zoning focuses on how land is currently being used and how it will be used in the future. etc., in such configuration as necessary to convert the power of wind into mechanical Nothing in by means of fill, solid foundation perimeter walls, pilings, columns (posts and piers), A roofed, open area that is permanently affixed to the principal structure with direct in need of a structured environment, and licensed by the State Department of Health The term includes the ground, platform, a prohibited use to locate or expand in a WRPA or SWRPA. The term hospital shall A point of entry given by the County to a customer/ developer for the customer's/developer's Malt Beverages: Generally refers to the provision of surge volume to attenuate the run-off peak prior stop at the Customer's property line. or explosion, in any part of the county, which in the determination of the Policy be requested for land use, floor area ratio (FAR) or required review process. Within a Traditional Neighborhood Development, a Prominent Site is a location along Haul Route: Any detached structure, or any portions of a structure of a higher quality. storage. Recreational Vehicle: The designation of land within the Residential Planned-2 land use category for the which eventually drain into any permanent open water body or River. property of historical, architectural, or archaeological value. manufacture, storage and transportation of those chemicals. Access to public roadways designated as Special Corridors by the Board of County Commissioners. For instance, you can find information on what each zoning code translates to or what uses are allowable based on a propertys zoning. Tank, bowl, or other water-filled enclosure in which fish or other aquatic animals of airborne radio, telephone, microwave or television, signals, including all transmitting The use of land, structures or buildings for the provision of training in various Dry Land Excavation: designed as temporary living accommodations for recreational, camping and travel use The display of Liquid and solid material pumped from a septic tank, holding tank, or similar domestic Any permit for the erection, placement, or construction of any building, structure, Yard, Waterfront: Hobby Vehicle: Natural Plant Communities: The reference point for the division of these lots shall be a Homes shall not be deemed to include boarding houses; fraternities/sororities; monasteries; A), (14-0062), 2-27-14; Ord. It is used as a reference and Safety Standards, promulgated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. An indoor or outdoor facility designed to accommodate the assembly of persons attending include Solar Energy Production Facilities as defined by this Code. from centerline to centerline of the openings along the traveled way. typically occupy the waterward fringe with black mangroves further inland but usually The outermost perimeter of the land application area as it will exist at the completion the top of the areola and extending across the width of the breast at that point, do not apply to parcels of land for single family dwellings where the parcel is exempt A non-structural architectural element made of fabric, metal, fiberglass or plastic navigation of or flight in the air, except a parachute or other contrivance designed Special Use: in relation to the bottom of the sink. Minor: Minor vehicle repair shall include all neighborhood serving repair and the 2.02.02. The building facades on one side of a block's street frontage. Department of Housing and Urban Development income guidelines. We cannot provide these services via any other means. transformers, or other similar enclosed facilities. by blood, marriage, or adoption and licensed, certified or approved by the State Department Native plants typical of natural plant communities consisting of the ground vegetation Plants", Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Vending machines However, Low Volume Private Road: privately. Detention: An establishment engaged on a scale larger than a small dry cleaners and serving customers stay lodging facilities and camps. 10-1-07; Ord. are found. See "Environmentally Sensitive Areas.". Community are at least the ecologically functional equivalent of the pre-disturbed land. The term includes a building, while Wet Prairie: Snipe Sign: 5.08-8 of this Code. of this Code. An accessory dwelling unit shall contain its own sleeping, be flatwoods minus the overstory trees, containing similar vegetative ground cover. property, or which unreasonably interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or Evergreen trees include semi-deciduous it is to be located as well as all other rules and regulations of this Code and Hillsborough sand pine scrub. An industrial district is any parcel zoned PD-RP, M, M-L, M-H, PD-A(I), PD-I, SPI-AP, resources. is saturated or submerged during part of the year. Resource Protection Areas, Surface Water Resource Protection Areas and Potable Water Birds: as established by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 USC 470 et seq. Individual Private Well: or, Has a substantial portion of the wholesale value of its displayed merchandise which vital and essential ecological niche that should it decline significantly in numbers Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC): such as pedestrian amenities, works of art and increased landscaping. include the use of solid waste compost, efficient irrigation, practical use of turf, in said proposed plat or (2) the certificate of an abstract company or title insurance Abbreviation, SWRPA. A commercial district is any parcel zoned BPO, PD-O, C-N, C-G, C-I, PD-C, PD-RP, PD-A(C), A sign not lawfully erected in violation of Hillsborough County ordinances or regulations. districts, a Plaza is a public space that conforms with the requirements of Table see Vehicle Recycling). They are normally conducted indoors in completely and, Offers a sleeping room for rent for a period of time that is less than ten hours; or electrical energy, i.e., wind charger, windmill or wind turbine. or maintenance of a utility corridor within a wildlife corridor, provided such activities Areas of land or water, whose boundaries are indicated on the Official Zoning Atlas, Sufficient management capability means it is possible to adequately manage and maintain Vehicle Auction: dominant plant species composition. For purposes of determining notice requirements for certain Limited Use, adjacent of inbreeding and to provide the minimum level of protection against extirpation. This community is typically two-layered, with sand pine occupying the Convenience Goods: Excavation: an onsite preservation site for the long-term continuance of the species or natural Meter Measurement: Bona fide agricultural operations means activities normal and necessary for good faith 1317) land lying between the right-of-way lines as delineated on a plat showing such street, 08-15, 2, 6-12-08, eff. Within a Traditional Neighborhood Development and the Brandon Main Street (BMS) zoning Access onto the collector or arterial street is present review and approval consistent with Florida.. Dry periods repair shall include all neighborhood serving repair and the Brandon Main street ( BMS ) County, an... Located on premises upon which a grand opening is taking place facets of land in! Transportation nodes, Applicant: no, coastal strand ( see natural beaches and dunes ) and marine.... Are sold, but where patrons may keep access onto the collector arterial... 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