Many have assumed the Sorcerer Supreme is playing a long game, one that extends beyond his death at the snapof the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet after viewing over 14 million possible futures (14,000,605, to be precise) before his fight, though it is unclear how this will ultimately unfold in Avengers: Endgame. By venturing across the multiverse and weakening the walls separating different timelines, Strange was single-handily responsible for this event, to the horror of himself and his friends. Strange can't just fight Thanos the same way and be successful. Doctor Strange didn't trap Thanos in a loop using the Time Stone in Avengers: Infinity War, but why? Are you willing to sacrifice others in order bring about the greater good. Throughout the courses, he has worked on a number of short films and documentaries. Also, The Ancient One mentions that she can't see beyond her death so there may have also been some in that 14 million which they did succeed but Strange died before seeing that possibility and so counted it as a fail. WebThor could have brought rocket and groot to titan instead of wakanda, dr strange could have chopped thanos in half with a portal when they put him to sleep, or at least cut off his left hand, loki could have used the space stone to get the asgardians to earth and then they could have a 3 to 1 stone advantage on thanks, etc. You may have also seen/heard him on the Total Geekall podcast, unaffiliated YouTube channels, BBC Radio and CBC News. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He had no way of breaking out of a time loop. 8 Doctor Doom. In this flashback moment, the MCU's Illuminati defeated the iconic Marvel villainon his homeworldTitan,as the shot showed the villainwith his double-bladed sword piercing his chest. The film arrives on April 26. Every other outcome on Titan is merely delaying eventual defeat since it is inevitable someone much worse than Thanos will one day wield one or more of the stones," the Redditor concluded. Strange using the time stone meaning he likely would have failed if he tried. Doctor Strange likely saw millions of futures where the Avengers beat Thanos, but he would have also seen millions more where the Earth is destroyed soon after by the Celestial. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Nope, not happening. Doctor Strange uses the Time Stone to view over 14 million alternate futures to determine the outcome of their battle but is unsettled to see only one of Hence I'm very curious if there are any possible combos/changes that four stones could overcome the power of time Stone and foresight. There were TONS of ways to beat Thanos, BUT there was only one way to stop the stones which are ALL now in close proximity from being used by others. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Given Ant-Man's survival and confirmed role in Endgame, perhaps Strange is making an oblique chess reference to the size-swapping superhero taking on a more prominent role in the events of the film. Thanos should still win, although he'd have to try much harder. Although it's hard to tell how many Infinity Stones he possessedat that point in time, he already has the golden Gauntlet that Eitri the Dwarf made for him on Nidavellir,most likely meaning that this moment wassimilar to the equivalent timeframe in Avengers: Infinity War. Allowing him to sense the passage, even within a loop, was key to wearing down his defenses(and rounding out Doctor Strange'sexploration of the fear of death). @user189728 Considering Dr. Warning! With the supporting power from space stone, soul stone and power stone, the effects of time stone won't really help Strange to defeat Thanos. While on Titan, Doctor Strange and the rest of the gang battle against Thanos (Josh Brolin), ultimately failing to defeat the Mad Titan. Add in the ability to use his shield, and the fact that he can wield Thor's hammer, and Cap is just as capable as anyone. Based in London, he oversees a global news & features team based in NY, LA and beyond. He knows that he has the ability to alter the time stream, so I presume he was considering those possibilities as well in his 14 million options. And found that his passion lays in scriptwriting, where he can combine his love of movies, writing, and storytelling. Almost all of the heros have made major self sacrifices in order to save others in the past. The Mad Titan wishes to destroy Kang the Conquerer, and the Avengers want to undo the damage he's caused to the patchwork-of-time-periods Earth. WebDr. After viewing millions of possible futures, Strange only saw one way to final victory over Thanos and it involved the Mad Titan winning, if only for the moment. Despite being vital in how they beat Thanos, Strange still surrendered himself to his allies because of his crime and didn't even resist when Black Bolt executed him. He currently lives in the United States and writes about Marvel, DC, Star Wars and other properties. Like in the MCU, the ultimate resolution came down to a plan by Doctor Strange -- albeit one that had far worse consequences. Strange has power over time and has used this offensively many times before, it would seem strange to me if he was only examining paths from the present one. RELATED: Doctor Strange 2 Already Proved the Most Powerful Avenger's Worst Loss Made Him Stronger. The biggest hole in this theory is that the Time Stone itself could be powerful enough on its own to reverse the damage to the Gauntlet or Etri's hands, as seen by Thanos using the Stone to restore Vision after his temporary destruction at There may be only one way to do that. And a time loop isn't quite an immovable object. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. During the intense and heartbreaking final act of Infinity War, Doctor Strange arrives on Titan with Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Spider-Man (Tom Holland). But, weren't they only able to break out of it because they were prepared, and knew it was coming, able to then use dark magic before Strange cast the spell? 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. or does he go into a "void" so to speak only to re-emerge later when the hulk snaps everyone back? It takes the power of all three stones to create the laws of physics as we know them, independently they lack the qualities of the other. So, if Doctor Strange had simply used the time stone to stop or slow time, there's no way Thanos would have time to react to that stimulus, formulate a response, and have his nervous system send the signal down to act on that response all in way less than the blink of an eye. Rights, lets do that. None of the other allies can die. Because out of 14 million possible outcomes there was only 1 where they succeed, and it wasn't by Dr. 13 Captain America Cap was able to hold back a nearly unstoppable Thanos with just his bare hands, an impressive physical feat. The pair bicker throughout the entire movie, but we're just supposed to believe that the Master of Mystical Arts wants to save Tony that desperately? Cap verbalizes this difference in ideology when he says that we do not trade lives when talking about destroying the mind stone. Personally, I can't help but ponder that even with four stones on the gauntlet (power, space, reality and soul), Thanos would still have a difficult time (if not downright impossible) beating a time stone Doctor Strange, especially if he has prepped and time loop activitated --. Strange also doesn't like stark, possible he chose the first one stark dies lol. I feel like together, they would have prevented Thanos from obtaining the Time and Mind stone leaving Thor with the ability to cut off his head. Stopping someone like Thanos would always take sacrifice, and the ultimate cost of Endgame at least wasn't an entire reality. With the heroes of the MCU seemingly less conditioned to the bizarre limits of the multiverse, they may not have been able to counter before it destroyed their universe in the process. It also could be that Strange was only able to access successful futures feasible in his universe. Throughout Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, various characters note with some anger that Strange's only way to beat Thanos resulted in untold pain A similar decision was taken by Stephen who can see into the multiverse when he handed Thanos the Time Stone, which seemed ridiculous at first but was necessary to save his reality. Thats the way he got Peter to pop out of different portals while fighting Thanos as well as Mantis dropping down on his head. Indeed, Dormammu was from the Dark Dimension, an alternate world that is removed from any conventional understanding of time. Despite Strange memorably saying "There was no other way" before disappearing in a haze of dust, he was quite wrong; there was indeed another way. Strange himself used the time stone to trap Dormammu and his dimension in a time loop. If it were any other opponent, Thanos would obliterate them in secondsbut this is Kang, and Kang is master of seconds, days, years and more. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Or thanos would have been defeated but then our heroes would have died in the process to do it and thus earth is once again defenesless. Would the outcome have been any different if Strange, Iron Man and Spidey joined up with the rest of the Avengers in Wakanda during the final fight? Contains spoilers for Avengers: Mech Strike #4! Yes, the other stones could be used to stop Strange, but only once he has time to actually use them, which he wouldn't. Free creative use of the stones' implied abilities UNRESTRICTED by what was shown on-screen (within reason/logics). The trio run into more than half of the Guardians of the Galaxy, including Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Mantis (Pom Klementieff), Drax (Dave Bautista), and Nebula (Karen Gillan). Then he would use the 4 stones to overpower the time stone and strange would lose his stone. Wait was there a time stone in the drawer with the infinity stones? Stones are destroyed. lol. They all play an important part in the battle and in Endgame. Marvel admits Doctor Strange had another way to take care of Thanos through time manipulationbut Thanos would suffer a horrific fate. It turns out that these heroes ended up "at war" with the forces of Thanos as well and were as desperate as the heroes of the MCU to stop his plans. ", I mean the tva just made the timestone look weak as hell even though it is easily the strongest stone all other are nothing compared to it not even the soul the stone is as strong as it. Their leader Ajak may not have been inspired by Tony Stark's sacrifice and had the realization that Earth is worth saving. Or in the round 3 when Strange is allowed foresight vision on what is going to happen? In Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, Strange made it clear that there was only one way to defeat Thanos among more than 14 million options that he looked into. For the same reason he didn't just cut Thanos' hand off or his head like they did the other guy. There is always a chance but by himself he would not have much of one with out doing something dramatic like when he fought the Hulk He used the po -Where is Captain Marvel? Strange has to ensure the BEST possible outcome that includes killing thanos with as little casualities. Infinity war flips this value on its head and asks if you are willing do the opposite of the heroic action in order to bring about the greater good. It's this method that a classic Avengers villain uses in Avengers: Mech Strike #4 - and though he has no need fortheTime Stone itself, Doctor Strange can certainly emulate his technique, however heinous it may be. This bit brings up an interesting detail. Copyright 2023 Distractify. Admittedly, there is a lot of debate over what exactlyDoctor Strange was doing in Infinity War - after seeing 14,000,605 futures, he decided to give Thanos the Time Stone, enabling him to ultimately kill half the universe - but this one aspect seems a cut-and-dry oversight. The fourth Avengers film takes its title from one of the final lines in Infinity War, as Strange reassures Stark that they've moved into the "endgame" following Thanos departing forEarth to obtain the final Infinity Stone. Stones destroyed. Of course, this is just my speculation and I would be glad to hear your thought even if to be proven wrong :-). RELATED:Avengers: Endgame LEGO Set Reveals a Massive Upgrade for War Machine. Existence of the TVA absolutely ruins this scene for me because it doesn't matter how many outcomes they lose, the TVA were always waiting in the wings to step in and prune the timeline should they fail. Since we still know little about the Soul Stone, I'd guess it plays a central role in Endgame. The Mad Titan could avoid this risk entirely, or it could spell out his final fate as part of Strange's larger plan. This term, of course, comes with its own strategic implications, from a popular tactic in chess. Throughout Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, various characters note with some anger that Strange's only way to beat Thanos resulted in untold pain thanks to giving Thanos the Time Stone and allowing him to kill countless (in the name of eventually restoring them all). Press J to jump to the feed. While Strange could control time with the Time stone, Thanos could control reality with the reality stone. But it's clear that while other options might have been available in certain circumstances, Strange responded the best he could to the threat of Thanos in the MCU timeline. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. This is why I found this whole battle scenario quite interesting to think about. Of course, that's not to saymessing with time won't play a part in that More:Time Travel In The MCU & Avengers: Endgame Explained. During Infinity War, in the battle of Titan, Doctor Strange was denied the opportunity of using his time stone against Thanos due to the (IMO) ingenuine-albeit-cop-out limitation of "one victory out of 14,000,605 possibilities" imposed by the scripted writer/directors. It's pointed out that if Doctor Strange knew about the Celestial inside Earth, then surely he would've gotten involved in the Eternals' plan to ensure that it worked. Could MCU Thanos with 4 stones beat Dr Strange with just time stone, without WIS/PIS? Marvel made it clear then that whosoever wields the Stones will always have the advantage as Warlock was able to the Mind Stone, the Time Stone, and the Soul Stone. However, as a Reddit fan theory from user LuckyMe111 points out, Doctor Strange did nothing to stop Star-Lord from punching Thanos and awakening him. The route the story goes into leaves us with thanos defeated, the worlds revived, the stones and the temptation they bring for power hungry monsters gone, and our heroes alive (most of them). Can Thanos clears all three rounds and how? However, as the 2016 Doctor Strange film suggested, tampering with time comes with its own costs, including the distinct possibility of Thanos being trapped in a time loop if he potentially attempted to repair the Gauntlet. They may have even ended the battle before Thanos even touched ground on Earth-838, meaning that Thanos would have been missing the Time and Mind Stones before completing the set. In Stephen Strange's MCU debut, he beat Dark The primary alternate reality that takes up part of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' plot is Earth-838. Strange moved the apple forward after only practicing with the Stone for a minute - imagine what he would be capable of if he had just a little more time to hone his skills. Sam Raimi's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness reveals the way another reality defeated Thanos, and the massive cost it incurred. The Time Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones, is perhaps the easiest and most succinct method; the wielder of the Time Stone can even move objects forwards and backwards through time. Doctor Strange's Role In Avengers: Endgame, snap greatly damaged Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet, Time Travel In The MCU & Avengers: Endgame Explained, Chris Pratt Joins Luigi Actor To Troll Super Mario Bros. Movie Voice Critics, MCU Vibranium Theory Answers Major Origin Questions. and Strange responds "If I tell you, it won't happen" (I'm paraphrasing here, these might not be their exact quotes), but we can infer that means that Strange thinks he's still on track with his vision (If we were already off track he could just say "No this different already but it doesn't mean its impossible to win" or something like that). Furthermore, in round three when DS is given the opportunity to foresee all possibly future battle outcomes, he would know any potential tactics Thanos might use and thus could effectively steer the direction of battle away from these to ones that are more favourable toward himself. One could interpret the other stones as independent of time. That is why the story of Jesus Christ resonates so strongly with people because they believe he sacrificed himself to save everyone. While none of these is a resolute explanation,they show that Doctor Strange putting Thanos in a timeloop may not be as foolproof as it may initially seem. Fantastic, and Doctor Strange stopped Thanos from completing the Infinity Gauntlet and wiping out half of all life. @doomstoaa: I'll ask again confirmed where? While Strange's actions may have briefly allowed the eradication of half of all life, he at least survived the battle with his soul intact and most of the universe restored. After the game-changing events of Avengers: Endgame, Marvel Studios hasn't slowed downwith the story delivered thus far in Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I also wonder why Doctor Strange didn't just use the time stone to defeat Thanos. It took him 14 million possibilities to one that they succeeded in. Running out of options on their world, this variant of Strange elected to use the corrupting evil tome, the Darkhold. At first, it appears that Doctor Strange gives the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for Tony's life. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. So i doubt Strange can use that on such a hurry situation. Also, with how easily Thor was able to behead Thanos in the opening of Avengers: Endgame, it seems unlikely that in all14,000,605 outcomes, none of them resulted in the Gauntlet being taken from Thanos and him being killed. Seeing that this battle is as important as it is Dr. In the prime MCU, Strange gave the Time Stone to Thanos after the Mad Titan stabbed Tony Stark, only leaving the villain one Infinity Stone short of completing the set as he left Strange, Stark, Spider-Man, and four of the Guardians of the Galaxy on Titan. Thus,while he may not have been trying to save Earth specifically, his Snap still would've saved half the population. "Thanos obtaining all the stones is, therefore, the only way Strange can truly win at this point. Some point out that Thanos' goal was to prevent overpopulation in the universe, and it's also possible that he knew of the Celestials and how they emerge. :) This guy does fake pitch meetings for movies and has about 10 of them devoted to MarvelDoctor Strange Pitch Meeting. Welcome to /r/FanTheories! Screen Rant's Managing Editor, Alex Leadbeater has been covering film online since 2012 and been a permanent fixture of SR since 2016. In a random encounter, the answer is obvious. Doctor Strange would utterly wreck Thanos with his powers. Doctor Strange at regular levels can even I think that's one of the reason why Doctor Strange did not used the Time stone during the infinity war. So, even if the reality stone or space stone could be used in ways to counteract the time stone, Thanos himself would need adequate time for his body to actually respond to the stimulus, which he wouldn't be able to do with time stopped/slowed significantly. Marvel confirms Doctor Strange could have easily stopped Thanos by using a horrific time-manipulation technique. The only reason for that is he has the Infinity Stones. Round 3: Doctor Strange with time stone (with prep AND foresight) vs 4-stone Thanos, 20 feet apart, time loop already activated. Despite a brief jaunt in Mathematics at Durham University, film writing was always his calling. Thanos could just take it, and end the loop himself. Basically, it still brings me back to my original point: unless the stones act independently, and only in the best interest of Thanos, how would Thanos be able to react in time to actually activate the other stones' powers? Much of this has to do with the introduction of the Multiverse, which first came to the big screen in Spider-Man: No Way Home before expanding to new heights in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. With Doctor Strange peering into over 14 million possible futures, one fan theory suggests he foresaw a key event from Eternals: the emergence. One theory I've seen and agree with is that once Thanos had the Soul Stone he was effectively unstoppable as it became sort of like his "guardian angel." Its a very stringent criteria for a victory. I like the comparison when Thanos changed the piece of scrap metal that got dropped on him into some type of large dark bats and when Doctor Strange did something similar to him he was expecting something worse and got butterflies. With T'Challa and Shuri among those lost to Thanos' snap, there may be no other surviving individuals from Earth capable of deciphering and repurposing the advanced technology, making the trade-off for Stark's life even more necessary. RELATED: Avengers: Endgame Had A Better Thor Than Chris Hemsworth For One Deadly Reason. With the Avengers locking Thanos in place and almost taking the Gauntlet, it could be assumed that they would've beaten him and taken all the Infinity Stones back. He tried to on Titan, but this time it is actually in the EOA. Since Thanos exists inside the time, his memory will be reset, therefore the time loop won't make him tired and fall like it did to Dormammu. All of that leads to one big question, however - what happened in all of those alternate futures that Doctor Strange saw in Avengers: Infinity War? Why those possibilities didn't come up is a mystery, although it could be chalked up to Earth-616 not being in danger of an Incursion or any other kind of interactions with other universes before Spider-Man: No Way Home. Looking for all the world like a vengeful Hamlet, Kang holds aloft Thanos' skull, triumphant. ", Some of these comments show why the ancient one would NEVER have given you the time stone. The power and space stones can kill or bfr Strange but can't undo time loop (evidented by the Domarmu battle), the soul stone is featless (as far as I can remember). The biggest hole in this theory is that the Time Stone itself could be powerful enough on its own to reverse the damage to the Gauntlet or Etri's hands, as seen by Thanos using the Stone to restore Vision after his temporary destruction at the hands of Scarlet Witch. And maybe (and apologise for the cross fandom mention {HP}) Strange is only worthy of possessing one of the infinity stones and not mess up everything - but again, new Spider-Man trailer seems to imply hes not worthy of the time stone either. RELATED:Avengers: Endgame Toy Offers Clear Look at Iron Man's Quantum Armor. Around the time of Infinity War, Earth was very close to having a population large enough to produce enough power for the emergence. So Strange would use the time stone > see himself get snapped away > Then what? Attempting to use his magic to find a better way might have set off an Incursion as well. Ya, Ive seen one theory saying the power stone over-rules the other stones. And he also didn't have his sling ring or else they could've regrouped on earth after they landed on titan. With taking courses involving film, Ben has extensive knowledge of movies both new and old, and keeps up to date on all the latest goings-on in the film industry. He covers breakouts on comics, film, television, video games, and anime. The team utilized the Book of Vishanti to come out of this battle on top as Professor X, Captain Carter, Maria Rambeau, Black Bolt, Mr. Ben has taken a 'Film Production & Cinematography' university course, and recently completed a 'Scriptwriting' masters course, both completed at Bournemouth University. That attempt failed. As Doctor Strange desperately tried to figure out a way to defeat Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, he peered into 14,000,605 possible futures. Not a victory. I never understood why he didnt open a portal on his left arm while they had him unconscious and then just close it off removing the arm and gauntlet. If that's the case, how would Thanos know to use dark magic to protect himself against a threat that he couldn't even fathom yet (in terms of knowing how the magic itself actually works)? Knowing this, Doctor Strange starts to help the others execute a plan that almost takes Thanos out. to Dream Walk, giving him the chance to venture across the multiverse and puppet his variants. He can't control anything about time, just is independent of it. The stones would've just kept being a thing otherwise. Thanos snaps 2x. Related: Doctor Strange's Role In Avengers: Endgame. In Thanos had the infinity gauntlet, he probably has a better chance of winning but doctor Strange if one of the more smart characters in the MCU, But either way, it's still a compelling theory that's fun to believe in, as it adds even more weight to Strange's Infinity War actions. When Strange was looking into the future, did he see the 5 year gap or was it like a blank void to him, and then being re-awakened again when the Hulk snaps everyone back? Thanos and the Avengers' interests align in Avengers: Mech Strike #4by Jed Mackay and Carlos Magno. WebWhile on Titan, Doctor Strange and the rest of the gang battle against Thanos (Josh Brolin), ultimately failing to defeat the Mad Titan. The person needs to consciously think and act to get them to do the things you want. How, exactly, the Quantum Realm and Ant-Man will play a factor in Thanos' final defeat has yet to be seen, but before their deaths at the hands of the Mad Titan, Pym did leave behind a mobile lab to venture deeper into the microscopic world while original Wasp Janet Van Dyne warned Scott of time vortices within the Realm before he returned for an exploratory mission. As a beingof our dimension, Thanos may not be quite as susceptible to a similar trick, especially given how driven he's presented as being. Unfortunately, nothing can stop the warlord, who goes as far as to nearly kill Tony Stark it's at this moment that Doctor Strange decides to give up the Time Stone. However, the cost would have been far too great to take on. Strange can see The Watcher without infinity stones. With that in mind, Strange was counting on Thanos using the fully-powered Gauntlet to render it useless following the snap before posthumously enacting his master plan to somehow undo its effects. In Marvel Comics, there are numerous ways one can travel through time, or even manipulate it to one's own advantage. new Spider-Man trailer seems to imply hes not worthy of the time stone either. , Honestly revealing it at all is too risky he could just snap and suddenly the eye is bubbles and strange can't harness the power and then he can just walk through them either way and get it, On top of that there's nothing honestly stopping him from sending strange to the dead of space or turning him into bubbles and he an do that just as fast or faster than strangest time magic. Press J to jump to the feed. Although Avengers: Infinity War debuted in theaters nearly four years ago, MCU fanatics can't help but debate over one pivotal scene involving everyone's favorite Sorcerer, Doctor Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch). The turning tide will likely come from the most unlikely source and, with Scott Lang alive and well, the smallest Avenger may ultimately make the biggest impact. But how would he have failed? Fantastic, and Doctor Strange, Eitri the Dwarf made for him on Nidavellir, the Book of Vishanti had the ability to grant the reader anything they need, because he wasn't the Sorcerer Supreme of his universe yet, making the Stark tech gauntlet, and bringing everybody back to life, Tony snapped his fingersand sacrificed himself to kill Thanos, Iron Man: Disney Releases Never-Before-Seen Post-Credits Clip Online, Mario MOVIE Director Confirms Princess Peach's Role Reversal. Bureaucracy being mightier than any super weapon is a a peery funny trope, but also true IRL. Avengers: Mech Strike #4 ends with a dead Thanos and a team out of options - eerily similar to the beginning of Avengers: Endgame. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. They were separated and had no real plan until it was too late. Dr Strange did attempt to take him to the mirror dimension. Ever since the release of Avengers: Infinity War last year, fans have pondered what, exactly, Doctor Strange's long term plans are after willingly surrendering the Time Stone to Thanos after the battle on Titan. Or maybe mind stone could take over DS mind and force him to undo/give up, but Thanos do not have time Stone here so that is out of the option. Off an Incursion as well as Mantis dropping down on his head skull, triumphant him the chance to across! ( within reason/logics ) willing to sacrifice others in order bring about the greater good the BEST possible outcome includes. 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