Later, while he is fixing food in the prison kitchen, Jimmy is told that a lawyer has come to see him. I mean, they're not gonna give it to you, so what? Food for thought, yeah? Howard dedicates a new law library at HHM in Chuck's name; the film crew hired by Jimmy and Kim spreads the rumor that Jimmy anonymously donated the money for the library. I'm Saul Goodman. All those crimes he committed they never found out about. What's that I see? Fact is, Walter White couldn't have done it without me.Saul finishes his confession about his criminal activities. While in an elevator, she unexpectedly encounters Howard and his associates from HHM. Chuck is stunned and tells Jimmy he has just admitted to a felony. Breaking Bad Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. ", Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. They plan to get Jesse arrested, but Mike finds out about the plan and intervenes on Gus' orders. When the agent reacts sympathetically to his emotional breakdown, Jimmy seizes the opportunity to "accidentally" mention Chuck's mental illness before leaving, knowing that the insurance company will be forced to act on the information. I'm really enjoying the . At Chuck's house, Jimmy sees a copy of the Albuquerque Journal he hid from Chuck, which included an article about the billboard stunt on the front page. Stop right now! Good product. One little Chicago sunroof, and suddenly I'm Charles Manson?!? You have no idea the tap-dance I had to give those cops to get you out of here. Jesse plans to ruin Hank's life and maybe even give up Heisenberg's identity if he gets caught cooking again. A furious Nacho threatens Jimmy to correct the situation. After all the costs associated with Badgers arrest, he only has $16,000 left. He loved me as a brother. the time when our story of Jimmy McGill-turned-Saul Goodman-turned-Gene Takavic finally comes to a conclusion. The influx of new clients causes Mrs. Nguyen to evict him from the nail salon, so he begins searching for an office. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. He is discovered by the cops and surrenders. Jimmy has never expressed any signs of remorse for his con artist past, nor the damage he inflicted on others, notably his father and overall enjoys the thrill of tricking people and furthering his own interests. When Lingk later wakes up, Gene goes so far as to even contemplate bludgeoning Lingk with an urn containing his dog's ashes to knock him out, before the man passes out again. He later becomes a local celebrity within the prison for his past life as Saul, befriending several inmates. The committee ultimately decides not to reinstate his license due to a lack of sincerity, causing Jimmy to fly into a rage. Is that all thereall there is, or did you make copies? Under stress, Jesse tells Jane that he is a drug dealer, though she had already deduced as much. Quickly proceeding to the copy shop, Jimmy cuts a deal with the clerk to eliminate all evidence of his presence there from the other night but not before Ernesto has questioned the clerk on Chuck's behalf. Speaking of Walt, Cranston returned in a flashback to one of the final scenes he shared with Odenkirk, when Saul and Walt stayed together in hiding while waiting to be given new identities near the end of Breaking Bad. Gus watches through the surveillance monitors at the Ryman residence while Mike questions Kim. Further hints of trouble await Jimmy at his office upon his return: Captain Bauer from the airbase has learned of Jimmy's ad and is furious. I'll never be as moral as him, I'll never be as smart, I'll never be as respected. Saul, wearing a flashy suit, enters a courtroom for his sentencing hearing; Oakley, Marie, and Kim, sitting in the back row, are also in attendance. Later, Jimmy cross-examines Chuck about the circumstances of the recording, Rebeccas presence, and his illness. ("Crawl Space"), In Saul's office, Huell is describing the mishap with Ted when Walt storms in, saying that he needs to contact Saul's connection who can "disappear" the White family and give them new identities. Here's what I know: These three young men, near honors students all, were feeling their oats one Saturday night, and they just went a little bananas. I mean, they'll smile at you, they'll pat you on the head but they are never ever letting you in. Asshole! When Chuck approaches the pair, he answers Kim's questions on case law, but is annoyed by Jimmy. I've been paying for it ever since. Taken to a visitation room, he finds that the lawyer is Kim; as her membership card with the New Mexico Bar Association doesn't have an expiration date, she is allowed to visit him as an attorney. Saul is quick to point out the flaws of this plan - how it will merely raise more questions - and Jesse leaves his office. I'm like a god in human clothing! In spite of this, it is gradually revealed that Jimmy is truly more conman than a lawyer, and throughout the series, it is shown that Jimmy has been a crook from an early age, in which he stole from his kind father's corner store, eventually resulting in its bankruptcy and his father's death and engaged in multiple con games in order to steal money from unsuspecting victims. You gave them probable cause out the wazoo. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. ("Buried"), Saul later bails Jesse out after he gets arrested for throwing money out of his car window, and chides him for not calling him sooner. No! When Kim asks what he is trying to do, Jimmy replies, "S'all good, man!" Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) was nearly killed off at the end of Breaking Bad, but series creator Vince Gilligan decided to scrap the plan.The scheming lawyer was first introduced in Breaking Bad season 2 before transforming into a fan favorite through the rest of the series. Although Jimmy realizes his dreams have been dashed, he wishes Kim well with her career. At this point everyone that you listed, apart from Hank, is alive and is a potential threat to Saul. But y-you're up to your ears in Mesa Verde. You know why I didn't take the job? ("Off Brand"), Jimmy tries to fulfill his court-mandated community service while also trying to sell his commercials, but can't convince anybody to sign on for more than one or two spots, and more often, none at all. What exactly is provable that he did wrong? You tell me or I'll burn this whole goddamn house to the ground!Jimmy confronting Chuck over the cassette tape. Everyone was dead or out of the picture, Saul's lawyer and Skyler were still around, but anything they would say would incriminate themselves, plus it's all hearsay. Wasting no time, Saul called Bill Oakley (Peter Diseth) to help represent him in his case as co-counsel, and he met with law enforcement to discuss his sentence. The whole lobby of HHM applauding for you. However, opening the door would trigger an alarm and alert the police, who could potentially recognize him. He did that. ("Waterworks"). We always end up having the same conversation, don't we?Chuck, UnoJimmy talking to himself while looking at a mirror. This here, this makes it official, right? However, when faced with Marie Schrader and the impact that his crimes have had on others, particularly Kim, he throws away both Saul Goodman and Gene forever to become Jimmy McGill again and to own up to his crimes, even though it essentially means spending the rest of his life in prison. Jimmy disappoints Kim by giving Craig and Betsy Kettleman the cash before he leaves. When Jimmy asked if she had said anything before passing, Chuck lied and said she hadn't; in reality, she had briefly awoken and called for Jimmy, and Jimmy would never know the truth ("Klick"). ("Piata"), Over the course of several months, Jimmy continues to use his "Saul Goodman" alias to sell burner phones to Albuquerque's criminals while at the same time continuing his PPD. As he struggles to open the packaging to the phone, however, he spills the contents of the shoebox. Saul immediately returns to his house to take his box of diamonds and a burner phone as the police are alerted of Saul Goodman's presence in Omaha. Attorney-client privilege - Very little of what Saul did for Walt would have fallen outside the parameters of attorney-client privilege meaning that Saul would not have had to disclose it to the authorities. Greg Lewis/AMC Unlike Walter White, he doesn't find a way to have his fate and cheat it too.. So these two geniuses ran their little stunt on the wrong one. Jimmy finally drinks his own urine as Mike had earlier attempted to get him to do and begins walking down the road with Mike back to civilization, the threat to them now gone. You are talking about regrets, so if you want to ask about regrets, just ask about regrets, and leave all this time-traveling nonsense out of it! Im done with that. Someting must've happened. The show ended with Kim visiting Saul in prison, and the pair shared a cigarette like they used to do when they were married and they spoke about the future. In 1992, a drunken Jimmy encountered Chet at a local Dairy Queen and decided to perform a "Chicago Sunroof" (defecating through the sunroof of Chet's car) as revenge. ("Bagman"). The neighbor IDed you. Jimmy and Kim begin plotting against Howard. Jimmy heads to the Forque Kitchen and Bar for dinner with Kim, where she tells him that she has been hired at the head of Schweikart & Cokely's banking division. However, Chuck's attempts would only fuel the fire and would push Jimmy closer and closer to his true criminal nature. There was likely more than enough to tie Saul to a conspiracy on multiple counts and the only reason he wasn't caught was that no entity was investigating him closely enough. But think about what you just said. Really its 50/50 if the cops are even after him or have anything that would stick. Jimmy is angry that he is expected to be sympathetic. And he could be judgmental and difficult, and he knew how to get under your skin. Finally, she divulges that Kim called to check on her after everything went down, and that she asked about Gene as well. In his office, Saul worries that Mike will flip if captured. Desperate to get rid of the money, he resorts to throwing stacks of money into peoples' yards as he drives by. Anything that gets the DEA's panties in this big a bunch, you're onto something special. Besides money laundering and Tax evasion etc etc, etc, a bigger reason was in the eyes of the Law, if you are aware of all the murders and poisonings, (the list goes on) and you don't report that to police, you are now complicit, and you become just as guilty as Walt and Jesse.Money laundering, tax evasion, accomplice to the murders, accomplice Exactly. The Better Call Saul finale sees Saul Goodman, a.k.a. However, Jimmy's hopes would not come into fruition, as Kim decided to resign from her career as an attorney and leave Jimmy for good, saying that they were both bad for each other and hurt people around them. That's why I'm here! That's a bit of a reach, don't you think, Dave? That night, Gene using the pseudonym Viktor performs at a karaoke bar. "Better Call Saul" explores the character's origins as "Slippin' Jimmy" McGill and his transformation into Saul Goodman. That whole compound was raided by cops immediately afterwards. Have a nap. He quickly enlists Jeff to drive him to Lingk's house so that he can commit the break-in himself, dismissing Jeff's own misgivings. Returning to his residence, he retrieves his shoebox and overhears information about his car being broadcast on the police radio frequency. () Do you know how much time, how much effort I put into finding the perfect mark?! Better Call Saul series finale spoilers follow. I really hope they don't rush into making him Saul Goodman and turn this show into 5 seasons of "Saul Goodman meets crazy client gets out of crazy jam" formula. Judge Samantha SmallMr. Big reason I became a lawyer was Chuck. I am done.Jimmy. [chuckles] I don't know. Which of us you believe depends on how we all understand the mind of Charles McGill.Jimmy at his bar hearing examining Chuck's testimony. He was also reluctant to be associated with violence or murder unless absolutely necessary. And then you are gonna tell me the whole story.Lalo. Depening on where Nacho is, Nacho could testify that Saul Goodman, Gus Fring, Mike and the Salamanca family conspired on several crimes. Acceleration without force in rotational motion? Fring murdered a cartel boss and Heisenberg helped blow up cartel operations. NippyGene to Nick and Frank about the events during the "Mabel" teaser. Every single one of them! After the events of ozymandias Walt, Jesse, and Saul would of been Americas most wanted criminals. But it would take too much away from the finale if they had a dual man hunt going on. Jimmy rejects Nacho's offer, claiming he made a mistake and was going to remain straight after his encounter with Tuco. On the other end of the line is Gene, calling from a diner in Nebraska. Jeff returns home to find them together in the kitchen. While at the hospital, Gene grows nervous at the sight of police officers nearby and his heart rate increases but is visited by a doctor who confirms that it wasn't a heart attack and aside from a slightly elevated blood pressure, everything came back as normal. Ten minutes ago. Shortly after, Jimmy began making renovations at his business, completely changing it from a nail salon to a full on law firm and he and Kim work the day while Mike and his team do damage control from their apartment and erase all traces of Howards murder. I'm gonna make sure they dot their i's and cross their t's - everything square and above board. Fans of "Better Call Saul" have been patiently waiting for this day for more years. You didn't get it. ("Hermanos"), Ted enters Saul's office, and Saul informs him that his long-lost "Great Aunt Birgit" from Luxembourg has left him $621,552.33almost precisely the amount of his debt to the I.R.S., ostensibly a coincidence that Ted seemingly doesn't realize. Saul had WAY more dirt on her and in return would sell out how big her involvement was in Walters operations. His feelings of safety are short-lived . No. The two visit Ted at home, order him to write the check, and tell him they'll be staying until it clears. After settling in to watch TV, Gene receives a call on his old earphone from a frantic Jeff. Jeff, the cab driver, arrives home and finds his mother, Marion, chatting it up with Gene. Saul eventually acquires Calderas black book, giving him access to a vast criminal network and introducing him to later associates such as Patrick Kuby. Although Gene is shown to be sympathetic to Mr. Lingk, one of his victims who is dying of cancer, he insists upon proceeding with the scam even when Buddy and Jeff hesitate, and goes so far as to fire Buddy from the scam and personally break into the man's house to rob him. Saul suggests that they buy a laser tag franchise, but Skyler comments that Walt buying a laser tag arcade wouldn't make any sense. He mostly works for the court as a public defender for $700 a case, struggles with debt, is forced to sleep in a cramped office located in the back of a Vietnamese nail salon. It's the least you can do for me now!Jimmy confronting Chuck. Saul then calls Walt to inform him of the situation, and after a conversation with Walt, Jesse is saddened and guilt-ridden but nonetheless comes to terms with Saul's reasoning. The exact the number and type of crimes Saul Goodman has committed is never clearly specified in either series, but it can be assumed that he has committed a number of white-collar crimes. Saul decides to go into hiding in episode Granite State, right after Heisenberg's identity is revealed in the previous episode and Walt goes on the run. You called Hamlin. Absolutely kidding me! I speak from experience! Change color of a paragraph containing aligned equations. After Lalo is killed by Gus during a gunfight, Jimmy watches Mike's henchman, Arthur, emptying the refrigerator. Not even given a reason as too why he was not hired for a multi-million dollar case he brought to HHM in a silver plater, Jimmy angrily turns down the deal and leaves. Are you sure about your answer now after the finale? Jimmy is intrigued, but advises Kim to hang on to her new client, Mesa Verde Bank and Trust, knowing that HHM will attempt to keep them as soon as they realize Kim is resigning. They attempt to hire Cliff to represent them, claiming Howard provided ineffective counsel because he used cocaine during his representation of Craig Kettleman. Wow. He then takes out a disposable cell phone from his desk drawer and calls Ed, the disappearer. Gene takes Lingk outside and lets him be driven away in Jeff's cab. Permanently flee? Right back to when I passed the bar and tried to join the firm. I was more than a willing participant, I was indispensable. Huell asks Jimmy why legitimate lawyers would commit crimes and Jimmy makes an unconvincing argument about committing a wrong to accomplish a greater good. That's what it's called, and it's a felony! Saul also informs Walt about Jesse living in a crack house nicknamed "The Shooting Gallery," and sends Mike to give Walt a lift to visit Jesse. After seeing Kim, who urges him to take the deal, Jimmy confronts Chuck after realizing that his cell phone's battery had been drained when his brother used it to call Howard. I haven't quite catched the reason why Saul Goodman has to go into hiding at the end of Breaking Bad. In the early 1990s, Jimmy divorced his first wife when she cheated on him with a guy named Chet, who happened to owe Jimmy money. After Cheryl leaves in tears, Jimmy and Kim excuse themselves from the law firm and go to the parking garage where Jimmy tries to tell Kim that their troubles are over and they can put this mess behind them. Better Call Saul ended on Monday, August 15, bringing the series and the iconic Breaking Bad franchise to a close. Kim is disturbed that Jimmy has been selling phones to criminals and agrees to look into Huell's case although he refuses to ruin Platt. Saul first appeared in "Better Call Saul" (2009), the eighth episode of Breaking Bad 's second season. I refused. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? It's possible Walt is still alive. As they pay their respects, Cheryl firmly asks them if what Howard has been saying before he died is the truth, that Jimmy and Kim have been harassing him and making him look foolish. Walt asks Saul to inform the DEA that Gus has a hit out on Hank. Not on you! Francesca soon finds herself at an abandoned convenience store in the middle of the desert, idling near some payphones. In addition, Gene's threatening actions towards Marion show just how much he has changed since his time as Jimmy McGill who, despite being a crook, cared deeply about the elderly and even destroyed his own reputation with his clients to make what he did to Irene Landry right. Jimmy then proposes a TV commercial; specially timed to reach prospects during daytime hoursa point of access Sandpiper cannot block. Ed tells Jesse that he thinks Jesse, Walt and Saul all made their own luck after Jesse tries to get Ed to help him by telling Ed about his captivity. ("Half Measures"), Jesse eventually attacks the dealers against Gus' orders, and Walt saves Jesse's life by killing both dealers. And I'm sorry, boys, but that's what you are. Afterward, in Saul's car, a concerned Jesse asks about the house and Andrea's son, Brock Cantillo. Hmm could be a real son of a bitch. I can hear you! Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? The two reveal that Gus' men have recovered all of the bodies except for Tiburn who died out in the middle of nowhere and can't be found. Saul then prods Jesse to check on them himself. Howard challenges Jimmy to a bout, and Jimmy declines, but then changes his mind and enters the ring. He drives by 's car, a concerned Jesse asks about the plan and intervenes Gus. Finds herself at an abandoned convenience store in the prison for his past life as Saul, befriending several.... 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