I couldnt grasp it., More from us: Val Kilmer Accidentally Landed Matthew Modine the Starring Role in Full Metal Jacket. After leaving the Army, Braveboy worked as a roofer. Please try again later. His last project on active duty was researching and writing a history of the all-black 24th Infantry Regiment during the Korean War. The fighting continued for three hours. The Battle of Ia Drang was the first major battle of Vietnam fought on the dates of November 14-18, 1965. The Troopers of 2/7 Cav relieved their sister unit, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, on Nov. 16, following 1/7 Cav's three day battle with the People's Army of Vietnam near the base of the Chu Pong Massif. Deleting this Virtual Cemetery cannot be undone. He single-handedly raised five young children and earned a doctorate, retiring a lieutenant colonel after twenty years service. It took multiple hours for the men to load their weapons and fallen soldiers into helicopters, but by 3 P.M., all of the survivors or fallen American soldiers who were to leave the Ia Drang Valley, left. Hal Moore ensured that all of the men came home, and they therefore did . He wanted the Gulf veterans to have the welcome-home that none of the Vietnam veterans got. The 430 troops of the 1st Battalion, 1stCavalry Division loaded into helicopters and were dropped into the Ia Drang valley. Fred Gilreath of Surgoinsville holds a framed photo of his older brother Luther Gilreath who was killed 50 years ago on the second day of the Battle of Ia Drang, Nov. 15, 1965. Controlling the central highlands would enable the North Vietnamese to cut the south in two and separate South Vietnams northern cities of Hue and Da Nang from the capital, Saigon, to the south. STINNETT, Robert L., fifty-eight, Bravo Company, 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion in LZ X-Ray and LZ Albany, returned to Vietnam for a second combat tour. Since August 1990, he has been the dean of students and basketball coach at St. Mary Rynken Catholic High School in Leonardtown, Maryland, his hometown. He spent seven months there while his shattered thigh and legs were repaired. The airstrike broke the North Vietnamese siege and enabled reinforcements to reach the LZ. They are stories that not only serve to maintain our connection with history, but also educate us and force us to confront the good and the bad and learn from it. ROZANSKI, Gordon P. (Rosie), fifty-four, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry S-4 in the Ia Drang, was wounded in both arms, both legs, and the stomach in the Bong Son campaign in early 1966. He retired in August 1990, and now lives in Peekskill, New York. DUNCAN, Ken, fifty-three, executive officer of Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cav, left the Army in August 1966, and returned to his hometown of Thomaston, Georgia, where he works with a textile-manufacturing company. The 430 troops of the 1st Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division loaded into helicopters and were dropped into the Ia Drang valley. The central highlands had few roads and challenging terrain, making air mobility the only viable mode of transportation. The Battle of Ia Drang Valley was a series of engagements between the U.S 1st Cavalry Division and the B-3 front, North Vietnamese Army. He is a master gunsmith and runs his own business repairing and selling weapons. Alpha Company arrived in Vietnam with 146 officers and men. Im not supposed to chop wood or do anything that might cause a lick on that side of my head, but it healed up pretty well so I dont worry much about it, he says. He died . 5 cemeteries found in will be saved to your photo volunteer list. They died hot, hungry and exhausted. Unknown to them at the time, they were surrounded by 2,000 North Vietnamese troops. Don Cornett had a wife and a son, a mother and a father and two sisters. "Survivor's guilt is something that most people who have seen combat, seen friends die, deal with almost daily," Lawrence said. He now lives in Stamford, Connecticut. They are all Don Cornett to him, his best friend. He told me his wife's name was [Sylvia]. He is married and the father of two children. Shortly thereafter, US units began . He remained with the medical platoon in Vietnam until July 1966. It featured a question-and-answer session with some of the battle's key players, including retired Lt. Gen. Hal Moore. "The main point that I try to get across when I speak to Soldiers, and this is what saved me, is the training," he said. The bullets missed his head by fractions of an inch, but the impact knocked him backward and he couldn't move from the waist down. SELLECK, Pat, fifty-one, radio operator, recon platoon, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry at X-Ray, was discharged from the Army on November 29, 1965, and returned to his old job at the telephone company. It is laced with hard facts, observations, anger, sadness and even some humor. USA, Scranton, The XO was going fast. That spring, the Saigon government had begun collapsing under the combined. McNamara told Johnson that the U.S. could continue with its limited engagement or massively escalate the war with hundreds of thousands more troops. They have two grown children and one still at home. Battle of Ia Drang Valley Survivors These men survived the fighting in the Ia Drang Valley in Vietnam from Oct 23, 1965 to Nov 1965. Young went to work for the railroad in Steelville, Missouri. He retired a major in 1980, after twenty years service. KOMICH, Leland C., fifty-two, Huey pilot with Bravo Company 229th in X-Ray and Albany, retired a chief warrant officer-4 with more than twenty years service. He and Russell Adams are still best friends. He tried to crawl away and was shot again in the hip. He was made famous by the account of his actions during the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley in November 1965, the Americans' first major battle of the Vietnam War. He and his wife, Theresa, and their six-year-old daughter, Megan, live in Glen Allen, Virginia. On the morning of November 14th, the 1st Cavalry landed at Landing Zone X-Ray at the base of the Chu Pong mountain and by noon they were already under attack from the North Vietnamese. There was a problem getting your location. For the last twenty-one years he has been in the tire business. Now a senior writer for U.S. News, Galloway recently had one last combat tour. WINKEL, Paul Patton, Jr., sixty, Orange 1 flight leader, Bravo Company, 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion in the Ia Drang, served a second combat tour in Vietnam. I attended every one of those funerals., LEFEBVRE, L. R. (Ray), fifty-nine, commander of Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, spent eighteen months at Martin Army Hospital, Fort Benning, recovering from the wounds he suffered at X-Ray. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. Nebraska, I marked off 65 names and thats when it really hit me what had happened and it just overwhelmed me. TANNER, Ray, forty-nine, radio operator, Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, returned home to South Carolina in April 1966 and went to work for a utility company in Charleston. He knew he had to get out of the clearing, so he started pulling himself along the ground using only his arms, when someone grabbed him and dragged him the rest of the way into the trees. Omaha, Nonetheless, this allows a reprieve for Moore and his men to secure the area. GILREATH, Larry M., platoon sergeant, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, did two more tours in Southeast Asia and retired a master sergeant in April 1972. The Battle that changed the war in vietnam Overview A Vietnamese military maxim states: He who controls the Central Highlands controls South Vietnam. JOHNS, Barbara Geoghegan, fifty, widow of Lieutenant John Lance (Jack) Geoghegan of the 2nd Platoon, Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, killed in action in X-Ray, married Lieutenant Colonel John Johns in 1969. 4 Oscar E . The Air Mobile Division was a new concept. He underwent four operations on his shattered hip and then was shipped home for discharge on December 21, 1965, ten days overdue on his two-year hitch and judged fifty percent disabled. The losses at Ia Drang prompted the North Vietnamese to rethink their plan to confront U.S. forces with large, conventional formations, reverting to hit-and-run attacks where U.S. air and artillery power was less effective. 2023 Stars and Stripes. TADEMY, Dudley, 3rd Brigade fire-support coordinator in the Ia Drang, served a second tour in Vietnam with the 1st Cavalry and retired a colonel in January 1987, after thirty years service. The North Vietnamese regulars and Viet Cong guerrillas absorbed even higher casualties from better-equipped American troops on the ground as well as helicopter gunships and B-52s raining bombs, bullets and napalm. Although he was a civilian, Galloway was awarded the Bronze Star medal for helping to rescue wounded soldiers during the battle. He was the father of four children, aged twelve through twenty. GEOGHEGAN, Camille, twenty-seven, daughter of Lieutenant John Lance (Jack) Geoghegan, Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cav, killed in action November 15, 1965, is a human resources specialist at a company in McLean, Virginia. They were promoted to first lieutenants at the same time and both became executive officers on the same day, Lawrence with Delta Company and Cornett with Charlie. Please ensure you have given Find a Grave permission to access your location in your browser settings. A native of Mendenhall, Mississippi, Kennedy was thirty-one years old at the time of his death. After two days of intense North Vietnamese attacks and mounting casualties, Moore radioed the code word Broken Arrow, calling for all available aircraft to rescue an American unit about to be overrun. Hal Moore and the 1st Battalion, 7th . Battalions would use helicopters to be transferred in and out as artillery support came in from above. Her research focused on military, environmental, and Canadian history with a specific focus on the Second World War. He was presented with the Medal of Honor on December 19, 1966, and three years later volunteered for a second tour of duty in Vietnam. James T. Lawrence, a first lieutenant in the Battle of Ia Drang Valley, learned a lesson in leadership the hard way 50 years ago. Val Kilmer Accidentally Landed Matthew Modine the Starring Role in Full Metal Jacket. I marked off 65 names and that's when it really hit me what had happened and it just overwhelmed me. Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Harold Moore led the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, against numerically superior elements of the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) led by General Chu Huy Man (Builder et al., 1999). While Beck survived the ultimately victorious 2-1/2-day fight at Ia Drang, 305 other American soldiers did not. He and his wife, Nell, now are retired and living in Shoal Creek, Alabama. His personalized license plate proclaims: LZ X-Ray. He was director of training development at Fort Benning when he retired as a colonel in 1983. In addition, they were exhausted from the fight at X-Ray, so it was easy for hundreds of NVA troops to sneak up and launch an attack. The cavalry regiment returned fire, but the enemy were dug into prepared fighting positions and many of the American leaders had died or were wounded during the initial stages of the attack. He holds two masters degrees, is employed in the defense industry, and lives in Alexandria, Virginia. FESMIRE, John A. All Rights Reserved. I didn't do as I should have.". 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The North Vietnamese regulars, young men who had been drafted into the military much as the young American men had been, had paid a much higher price to test the newcomers to an old fight: an estimated 3,561 of them had been killed, and thousands more wounded, in the 34-day Ia Drang campaign. After a North Vietnamese strike against the Special Forces camp at Plei Me, American forces deployed in an effort to destroy the attackers. Three U.S. soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor for bravery during the battle. "The emotions are so high, the noise is tremendous, the confusion is everywhere; they had overrun us by now. The enemy was so close he could hear them talking and he could see them right in front of him. Freeman and his wife, Barbara, live in Boise, Idaho. PARISH, Willard, fifty-one, mortarman in Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, who won the Silver Star for his work as a machine gunner in LZ X-Ray, was among the draftees who rotated home in December 1965 for discharge. For the next ten years he was a football coach at Morgan State University in Baltimore, his alma mater. He is now a financial officer with the U.S. By the third day of the battle, the Americans had gained the upper hand. The assault at LZ X-Ray began before noon on 14 November. To me that seems proper, and just, and so right.. George found solace in hiking the Maine woods, shooting nothing more deadly than a 35mm camera. Merchant retired a lieutenant colonel in 1982. Theres a lot of pain but at least I lived. Jeanette says: When I was in the hospital in 1966, I was down in the doldrums, feeling sorry, and they tried to nudge me out of that. (Skip), fifty-three, commander of Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Cav in the Ia Drang, is still on active duty. Early Ia Drang Valley 1965 KIA group - 2/8 Calavary - LZ Cavalair Early Ia Drang Valley 1965 KIA group - 2/8 Calavary - LZ Cavalair. He went home to Salinas, California, where he lives with his wife and three sons. Their mission was to find and kill the enemy. It is based on the Battle for Landing Zone X-Ray, part of the Battle of Ia Drang, the first major battle of the Vietnam War. (U.S. Army). The bullet was still in there. Please enter your email and password to sign in. The day before he died, George picked up a Christmas tree, which he planned to decorate with yellow ribbons and small American flags for the airport terminal; soldiers from the Gulf were still arriving and he didnt want them to think they had been forgotten. TULLY, Walter Busill (Buse) Jr., commander, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry in the Ia Drang, returned to Vietnam on a second tour as a major in the Americal Division. Your donation to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund will help expand our mission to honor, educate and heal. He then formed a computer-software company. They were platoon leaders together in the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division. This is the tale of the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley in Vietnam in 1965. He assumed that like the French, the Americans would tire of seeing their young men coming home in body bags. By whatever measure, the chaotic, bloody Battle of the Ia Drang Valley set the tone for the rest of war. As one writer concluded, "The Ia Drang Valley is where the U.S. truly went to war," and it "set the tone for the" many years of relentless fighting that would follow. He retired a colonel in December 1981, after twenty-four years service. The first U.S. ground combat troops arrived there in March. (AP Photo) A wounded American soldier is aided to a helicopter for evacuation from Ia Drang Valley area, near Plei Me, Vietnam, November 18, 1965. Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency: Ia Drang Valley Incident. After several routine lifts into the area, https://www.vvmf.org/Wall-of-Faces/857/ELIAS-ALVAREZ-BUZO/, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK63b6Cn53unPuhknan6Y4fJwl-F5v14o, https://www.vvmf.org/The-Wall-That-Heals/, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK63b6Cn53unMMj-yZYEch0RuYy1YN1zl, https://vvmf.wordpress.com/2015/11/07/he-spent-14-hours-in-the-air-rescuing-wounded-in-the-ia-drang-valley/, https://www.stripes.com/news/special-reports/vietnam-stories/1965/ia-drang-valley-where-the-us-truly-went-to-war-1.376662, https://www.facebook.com/VietnamVeteransMemorialFund/videos/2239219906358006/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLyBazkpUFQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx1rzDNcFmE, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKtWX9TDFYc, https://www.military.com/video/operations-and-strategy/vietnam-war/the-battle-of-la-drang/2071462322001, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIAEcZ29aG4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdDYNI7V0co, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7-U0FBiYUU, https://www.docsteach.org/documents/document/battle-la-drang-valley, https://whut.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/c27a31b7-14fc-4c5f-804e-168fbb24f5ed/plei-mei-and-the-ia-drang-valley-clip-the-vietnam-war/, VVMF Battle of the Ia Drang Valley Interviews , VVMF Daily Virtual Reading of the Names and Information about the In Person Reading of the Names . Unlike Viet Cong guerrillas, the northerners were prepared to stand and fight. 5 memorials LTC Roger Jay Bartholomew 2 Nov 1932 - 27 Nov 1968 Westlawn-Hillcrest Memorial Park BUNGUM, Galen, forty-nine, rifleman in Lieutenant Henry Herricks Lost Platoon, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cav, left the Army in April 1966 and went home to Hayfield, Minnesota. He and his wife, Arlene, have three sonsa banker in Sao Paulo, Brazil; a lawyer in Connecticut; and a divinity student in college. He lives in Vicksburg, Mississippi. After the Ia Drang campaign, Hastings was badly burned when the O-1E Bird Dog spotter plane he was piloting was shot down over the Mang Yang Pass and crash-landed in the old French Group Mobile 100 cemetery beside Route 19 on Christmas Eve 1965. His dissertation is on the LZ Albany battle. Towles received a masters degree in history from Kent State in 1989, and is currently working on his doctorate. Johns retired a brigadier general and is now dean of faculty at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Johns, whose two youngest children are in college, does volunteer work and writes for her own pleasure in her spare time. Scott and Basil Plumley meet most Fridays over breakfast at a local cafe for spirited discussions of the relative merits of their service, their two 7th Cavalry battalions, and other weighty issues. Army Specialist Four (SP4) Bill Beck was an assistant machine gunner assigned to the 1 st Battalion, 7 th Cavalry Regiment (1/7 Cav), 1 st Cavalry Division on November 14, 1965, when the unit airlifted into Landing Zone (LZ) X-Ray in the Ia Drang Valley in Vietnam. After several routine lifts into the area,the men on the ground came under attack from the North Vietnamese Army. It was fifty-five years ago on November 14, 1965, the First Cavalry Division commanded by Lt. Col. Hal Moore landed in the Ia (pronounced Eye) Drang Valley, South Vietnam. The plane hit several tombstones and flipped over. On February 26, 2007, President George W. Bush presented Crandall with the Medal of Honor for his actions in the Ia Drang Valley. They have a son, who is in college, and a daughter, still in high school. He lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and owns and operates a real estate brokerage firm. He and his wife live in St. Charles, a suburb of Chicago. "I can't even begin to explain it," he said. I have one very vivid memory of the second morning in X-Ray. No one wanted to look weak in the face of communist aggression.. Some of the survivors broke into tears of relief. He went home to Anderson County, South Carolina, where he is a deputy sheriff. When he retired, Howard moved to Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where he works as a consultant in emergency-management planning. Why I wasn't killed, I couldn't say.". The column was strung out about 550 yards in the open with dense vegetation to their right. Edwards is the acting borough manager of Dublin, Pennsylvania; he and his wife, Nancy, live in nearby New Hope. Theres certainly politics involved in it, but I do think these guys, as mythological as it turned out to be, were true Cold War believers. We . Still on active duty, he is a major general, and is deputy to the Army inspector-general. (67 votes) Very easy. Westmoreland, a veteran of World War II in Europe, declared Ia Drang a victory because the North Vietnamese were driven from the field after suffering major casualties. GALLOWAY, Joe, fifty, war correspondent attached to the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry at X-Ray, served sixteen months in Vietnam on his first tour for United Press International, 1965-1966. In Hanoi, the North Vietnamese leadership was prepared for huge losses. With a passion for historical learning and historical education, her writing interests include social history, and war history, especially researching obscure facts about the Second World War. On his chest he wore the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and five Purple Hearts. To the Americans, the battle validated their new airmobile strategy using helicopters to move troops quickly into remote jungle areas often without roads and inflict heavy casualties by airpower and artillery. (Joe), fifty, platoon leader, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry and the only man to receive the Medal of Honor, Americas highest decoration for valor, in the Ia Drang campaign, is a colonel and still on active duty after twenty-eight years. Together, they flew in supplies, water, and ammunition needed for the troops. Two men - Sgt. 5 cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. 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