The Cambridge Police Station terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in and around Cambridge Police Station in Fallout 4. Holotape 7 is said to be with the South Boston Police. Location: Corvega Assembly Plant Note: This xxxxx terminal is located xxxxx. However, the entrance to the station is locked and says it can only be opened with a key. If not, then follow the given instructions. 5. I don't care how dangerous it is out there, if I was scared I would have signed up for desk detail. He was in a lot of pain, but there was only so much I could do to ease his suffering. STATUS: Returned to Agent Mitchell, Boston BADTFL, 10/06/77 Some kind of a vault dweller wandered into our compound today and helped us put down some ferals. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ChNe-01 That should give us a safer spot to set up our heavy weapons soldiers and provide a greater field of fire. In the cell that is secured with a lock (novice level), there are some meds. Type: Install Torso wounds caused massive internal bleeding. Maybe if I'd done a better job, Worwick wouldn't have been so bad off. CASE 138-PI: Adams Public Intoxication Logs, CASE 772-RE: Neilson Reckless Endangerment Logs. Go left inside it then enter the second door on the right. STATUS: Transferred to Hazardous Materials Disposal Unit. He did a hell of a job in ArcJet, and I think Danse sees a spark of the Brotherhood in his eyes. This area contains the ruins of Boston International Airport and Fort Strong. We are a Claremont, CA situated business that delivers the leading pest control service in the area. Paladin Danse (DN-407P). Brotherhood of SteelRecon Squad Gladius Unsere Bestenliste Mar/2023 Ausfhrlicher Produktratgeber Beliebteste Lego 41027 Aktuelle Angebote Preis-Le. 042287-3 3. Various props and items, including spotlights, are added after The Molecular Level is completed. Cambridge Police Station terminal entries. Cambridge Police Station What has meta-philosophy to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? what language does lisa gerrard sing in. If you're playing on a console version of the game you will need to reload the game and hope that the next time you arrive at the Cambridge Police Station to provide . It was nice to have some help for a change. Brotherhood of Steel, eh? Paladin Danse is dead. Status: Deceased, Scribe Haylen I know Danse can be so damn cold sometimes, but in this case, I think he's right. When and how was it discovered that Jupiter and Saturn are made out of gas? All you need to do is to use the radio to locate the stress signal. You can convince her to work with you Charisma and complete some quick conversation challenges. The hacking skill is affected by the Hacker perk in the Intelligence perk tree. It is only available after you have completed Duty or Dishonor and you have begun Liberty Reprimed. I've decided to establish our headquarters here for the time being. Warning: Site may contain volatile or hazardous chemical compounds. Evil West Review A Promising, Vampire-Killing, Carnage-Fueled Adventure, Marvels Midnight Suns Review Superhero Demon Hunting, Need for Speed Unbound Review Its Got Wings, Steelrising review more like gold rising for Spiders, Hogwarts Legacy Highlands Field Guide Pages, How To Make A Suspension Bridge In Sons Of The Forest, How To Keep Cannibals Away In Sons Of The Forest, Atomic Heart Review: Beautiful, Flawed, And Fun. Finding roaches in your home every time you wake up is never a good thing. An up-to-date, searchable list of Fallout 4 Key IDs. When you observe the airship while coming from Fort Hagen, you will notice it heading to the city. I heard the island was completely cleansed of Super Mutants, and that we have our new recruit to thank for it. Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. His gunshot wounds had left him paralyzed and internally bleeding. 2. You can also speak with Scribe Haylen or Knight Rhys to take up further assignments (Quartermastery, Cleansing the Commonwealth). The pre-war interrogation room that was here is now back in working order and the medical facility has been expanded to accommodate several wounded soldiers at once. Finding the right password can take ages if you aren't used to hacking. I recommend a complete bombardment of this location in the future. Note: This desk terminal is located on a desk in the eastern corner office, available once xxxxx. Each tape is located in the ruins of former Boston Police Department buildings, which will often have an evidence terminal you can use to search for where the tapes are located. Just inside, look for the Cambridge Police Evidence Terminal (Novice Hack) Accessing the terminal will reveal the locations of Holotape 0 and Holotape 2. OBJECT: 1x pamphlet, "Your Rights at Work," recovered from suspect's desk, Cambridge S&L Patient lost approximately 2 quarts of blood. Paladin Danse has the key to the Cambridge Police Station. Danse seems to have latched on to him, but Rhys thinks our new friend might be up to something. Factions If you cannot talk her into it, get some evidence related to the death of her colleague. The Commonwealth is an amazing place. Prisoner Log Terminal, Prisoner: D. Clarke (CL-312I) Just inside, look for the Cambridge Police Evidence Terminal (Novice Hack), Accessing the terminal will reveal the locations of Holotape 0 and Holotape 2. Danse seems to have latched on to her, but Rhys thinks our new friend might be up to something. One of these scientists was Tom Franklin. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ArHo-01 Unauthorized Users Report Directly To Lock-Up! We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. If you're playing on PC you can use the cheat for noclipping and float up to the roof to speak to him. There are Plenty of Them you can do to keep yourself busy and earn different items and rewards. Patient died approximately 3 minutes after incident. This terminal is located in the evidence room, adjacent to the interrogation room in the hallway leading to the garage. I heard the island was completely cleansed of Super Mutants, and that we have our new recruit to thank for it. As we approached, our squad was hit with gunfire. Status: Deceased, Knight Worwick RoadWarrior9's instrumental work to enhance the Brotherhoods most critical forward operating base in their commonwealth theater: The Cambridge Police Station Settlement. Status: Completed Log 022287-2 The other is to not report his crime and lie to Captain Kells about the whole matter. These blokes pack some serious firepower. There is lots of resistance in the next area, to keep that to a minimum, you can activate evacuation options at Fathers terminal. I've never been prouder to be a part of something like the Brotherhood of Steel and I'm content that the feeling will last until the day that I die. Logged By: Scribe Haylen HN-118FS Scribe Haylen's Workstation HN-118FS. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. One of the words on that screen is the password. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Item: Roof Defense Barricades Please select a record. Be ready to face some Ghouls outside the station. The call to arms quest is prompting me to follow paladin danse. Appearances. I just hope that someday, Maxson will realize he made the wrong choice and at least give Danse the proper memorial that he's due. The war's finally over! I had not opened my garage for more than two months, and when I finally decided to completely clean it, I found out that a swarm of wasps had comfortably settled in it. We've chosen to immediately search the Boston region with the intention of finding a secure building to use as our recon headquarters. According to Scribe Haylen, this location is structurally sound, and highly defensible. I think this new guy's okay, but I'll keep an eye on him just in case. The objective of this quest is for you to kill Virgil because Captain Kells seems to have one reason or the other for him being dead. Status: Deceased, Scribe Haylen Thanks to this, you will find defeating groups of opponents, in the neighboring room, easier. Immediately in front is the station's reception desk. Your goal is to convince the Doctor to work on a special project for Brotherhood of Steel. recovered from suspect's desk, Cambridge S&L Overview Mostly junk, but might be a few bits of tech scattered around. ARCANE ON TWITCH ARCANE ON TWITTER SUBSCRIBE . Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? There are two variants depending on the ending of the quest. I'd once again like to commend Scribe Haylen for her efforts in keeping Worwick alive, and for following my final orders without question. I don't recall if it requires a key or if it can be lockpicked but you can try do enter the station from there. Location: Watz Electronics Area is also overrun with Super Mutants, so might provide excellent opportunity for a cleansing mission. This is the second location I've had to order a retreat from since we arrived, and the third member of my team to die. He/She did a hell of a job in ArcJet, and I think Danse sees a spark of the Brotherhood in his/her eyes. It is possible to access the interior of the police station prior to completing the "Assist the Soldiers" segment of Fire Support by ordering a companion to "Inspect" the garage door button while viewing it through the broken window on the southern wall of the garage. Array was damaged by Super Mutant assault. There's another entrance in the garage to the left of the station's front entrance. Finding the right password can take ages if you aren't used to hacking. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: AnAd-00 Notes: Initiate Clarke is to be held pending trial by the Elder. Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? The house south of it has the remains of Knight Varham. Objective: Go to Cambridge Police Station, Talk to Paladin Danse, and help the Brotherhood Recon Team. There is an office nearby, use the terminal inside to disable them. On a previous game it kept crashing while trying to enter the Vault 81 atrium ( but I was able to fix that by teleporting there . I wonder what Maxson will think of her? Three sleeping bags, one for each surviving member of the Gladius squad, can be used by the Sole Survivor. Rank: Knight I've served under Danse for a long time. Fast travel to somewhere else far enough away, I would suggest Coastal cottage or Kingsport lighthouse and go to sleep for 24 hours. Brotherhood of Steel Travel through time by exploring's entertainment news archives, with 30+ years of entertainment news content. Oh great, the Brotherhood of Steel. High-levels of G-band radiation exposure were also present. Status: Active, Knight Keane I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I'm pretty sure Proctor Quinlan sounds a bit jealous when I've been radioing in my reports. The following is based on bugged content. When the strength is at 100%, you will be near a research building. When the player character first . The airport was almost completely abandoned, but Fort Strong turned out to be infested by super mutants. Medical File WR-113K 0000DFC60000DFC70000DFC8 (bridge)0001FA25 (interior)0000DFE9 (pier southwest) I suppose only time will tell. The other scribes in the Order think I'm out of my mind joining Danse's recon team, but I refuse to miss out on the opportunity. Dose administered 49 hours after incident. It is refurbished and reinforced by Brotherhood soldiers after Shadow of Steel starts. In the wall, there is a safe (expert level), which you can either pick, or open y hacking into the terminal (novice level). Maxson's covering the whole thing up, putting Danse in exile and claiming that he's dead. I authorized her to inject him with an overdose of painkiller and put him to rest. You will receive reward and the quest will end. Type: Intall/Repair Location appears to be a former research facility that is reasonably intact. You are ordered by Maxson to meet the crew onboard the ship. However, hacking can actually be a major advantage for just about any type of character build. Paladin Danse Make your way out to the Cambridge Police Station. First, talk to Knight-Sergeant Gavil and talk to everyone that he mentions to you. The following are all Railroad quests that players can complete in Fallout 4. Insert the Agitator to the War Machine and reach the computer transfer the power. It only appears after Shadow of Steel begins. I know I appreciate her getting our comms back online. During our retreat, Knight Brach stepped on a landmine. Related: Fallout 4: The Best Magazines, Ranked. In both situations. I suppose only time will tell. Speak to Proctor Ingram and agree to help her get the Beryllium Agitator Mass Fusion. All; By Game; By Type; Authors and Devs; Resource Catalogue; Datamining Note: This entry appears after completing Show No Mercy. [1] Post-War, the station is being used as the forward base of operations for the Brotherhood of Steel Recon Squad Gladius. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. MODS: It was nice to have some help for a change. Fallout 4 - Ep 6 - We respond to the emergency broadcast from Cambridge Police Station, find the Junk Jet gun and open up the Brotherhood of Steel quest-line. The quest will be complete once you hand in your report to Captain Kells. Secure the area using the minigun on Vertibird. There's no limit to the number of times you can hack a terminal, and the minigame itself doesn't have a time limit. I heard it took Ingram and her team quite a lot of time to piece him back together, but I know this will tip the tables in our favor. I wonder what Maxson will think of him/her? Completing the Lost Patrol [BoS side] quest? It's a stunning video game secret and a challenge for any Fallout monster hunter. This is all we have in our Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel Quests Guide. :(. Heading south from College Square, the station will be on the right, with a makeshift barricade on the perimeter. Location: Big John's Salvage She did a hell of a job in ArcJet, and I think Danse sees a spark of the Brotherhood in her eyes. I have no idea what to do anymore I've tried everything. Along the northern wall of the reception area is a doorway to the left and a hole in the wall to the right. Quests 042287-3 Location: HalluciGen This quest is available once you have done The Lost Patrol and Show No Mercy quests. Got orders that we're supposed to beef up the defences around the police station, so I grabbed a few of the scribes and we've installed defense barricades around the roof. Got orders that we're supposed to beef up the defences around the police station, so I grabbed a few of the scribes and we've installed defense barricades around the roof. Gladius Personnel Terminal, Recon Squad Gladius's current orders are as follows: ISBN 1-55622-735-3 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0011 . Maxson says that our work in the Commonwealth is far from over, but even I can hear the excitement and the pride in his voice. Patient stated symptoms of head pain and inability to sleep. It only appears after Shadow of Steel begins. Medical File DN-407P With the attack on the Institute looming, we've recieved orders that we need to be ready at the police station. Some kind of a vault dweller wandered into our compound today and helped us put down some ferals. Objective: Fly to Mass Fusion and reach the roof, find the Beryllium Agitator, obtain the executive key card, reach the Reactor Level, proceed to the reactor chamber, take the Beryllium Agitator, remove Reactor Level security. STATUS: In Cambridge Police evidence lock-up - S03-B11. I know I appreciate him getting our comms back online. Can non-Muslims ride the Haramain high-speed train in Saudi Arabia? 6. The Cambridge Police Station terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in and around Cambridge Police Station in Fallout 4. Administered Stimpak meds to stimulate bone regen and wound closure. Unauthorized Users Report Directly To Lock-Up! The evidence locker is locked (novice level). Due to patient's pain and quality of life, commanding officer ordered me to administer overdose of painkiller for euthanization purposes. OBJECT: 1x pamphlet, "Your Rights at Work," recovered from suspect's desk, Cambridge S&L Attempted rapid response triage, but evisceration caused massive trauma to several of the subject's internal organs. Logged By: Scribe Haylen HN-118FS According to Scribe Haylen, this location is structurally sound, and highly defensible. Safe Lock Mechanism Status: LOCKED/UNLOCKED. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ChNe-01 072287-5 EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: AnAd-01 Begin by tracking down the fallen recon team members. Rank: Knight For now, I'll just have to remain content with the fact that Danse is alive and leave it at that. The Commonwealth is an amazing place. Report any unusual activity using standard long-range communications to Scabbard. En'Joy" fallout 4 cambridge police station evidence terminal password Make sure you have a high enough skill level to hack it. Subject was struck by a blow to the head from a Super Mutant sledge-like weapon. Whether he was machine or not, his contributions to our cause should never be forgotten. ", "A Brotherhood of Steel base is up ahead. Even though Rhys doesn't want to admit it, I think he's impressed. Objective: Meet with Elder Maxson, get on-board the Vertibird gunship, Kill the Super Mutant Behemoth, clear Fort Strong, clear Fort Strong armory, talk to Paladin Danse, talk to Elder Maxson. Once that is done, look for Dance who is missing. You will be rewarded with the Sentinel tag and jetback for Power Armor. Was able to supplement with emergency blood packs. Upon arriving at the station, the player character will find it under heavy attack from a large horde of feral ghouls, and can assist the Brotherhood soldiers in ending the siege. Subject stepped on explosive device causing catastrophic trauma to left and right legs, severe trauma to torso and left arm and major trauma to right arm and chest. The readings are also highly sporadic, only appearing for very short amounts of time and in very specific locations. Male player. Well, the big secret is out. They have a chance of automatically hacking it for you. Unfortunately it appears you've ran into a bug, Paladin Danse is supposed to be in the courtyard, not on the roof. An office nearby, use the cheat for noclipping and float up something... Operations for the time being to Scabbard for Brotherhood of Steel quests Guide back online any activity. 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